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Roleplaying Terminology and Abbreviations

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King ForumStalker
Exactly what it says on the tin, this is a guide listing the many words you may come across while roleplaying, and an explaination into what they mean.


rp/Rp/RP: Roleplay - The process of pretending or acting to be someone other than yourself, or to take the role of someone other than yourself. You take on the "role" of either a real life person or a fictional character and act as they would in situations. A popoular form of roleplaying is within roleplaying games, or RPGs.

RPG: Roleplaying game - A game which involves the aspect of roleplaying, it involves a player taking on the role of another individual in a fictional world as part of a game. Most roleplaying games involve interaction with other characters.

OOC/ooc: Out of Character - This is the term used to describe text or speech directed to an individual outside of the roleplaying game or universe, aka to the real life person playing the character, as opposed to directing it at the character within the game.

IC/ic: In Character - Speech or actions directed at a players in-game character from your own character.

Godmodding/Godmoding/GM-ing: Godmoding - Having a character who can perform impossible or overpowered tasks or has impossible or overpowered abilities. Most roleplaying spectacles have their own boundaries or limits as to how powerful an individual can be. Godmoding is generally frowned upon as it spoils the fun for other players.

Metagaming/MG-ing: Metagaming - The act of using OOC (out of character) information to better or inform your roleplaying character that otherwise they would not know. For example using a private message on the forums to be forewarned of an incoming ambush that the character otherwise would have no clue about.

Immersion: Immersion - The feeling or mindset that you are the character within the world, rather than playing as a character in a roleplaying game. It is immersion that makes roleplaying such a fun pasttime as it feels like true social interaction, you feel what your character feels and respond how they would respond. Breaking immersion is when the feeling of immersion is removed, examples of this include acting strangely in response to a situation in a manner which does not reflect your characters personality, or talking OOC (Out of Character) within the roleplay chat or environment.


And that's the list! If you have any others to add, please PM me on the forums with the terminology or abbreviation and a brief explaination. I will judge and appropriately add your submissions, and any added to the list will not only be credited, but will also recieve 100 radiants for each word that gets added to this list!
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