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Rp Sports Arena![Declined]


Minecraft Username: Wingnutcros

Name of Project: Olympic Stadium

Location of Project: Flat land or massive underground cavern would be good.

Size of the project: hmm. 150+ maybe reaching 250. long. maybe 50-70 wide

Intention of the project: A center for Rp sporting events, Arena, Spleef*i have obtained permission from tangerine for this, Archerywars, obstaclecourse races, a maze, etc,

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: i spend all my money funding,sponsering and running rp events, ive spend bout 20k on prizes for fight tournaments in warstrom,

Residents: unsure, if allowed i may sneak a little shack for myself so i can oversee Rp events and such, if not, noone at all, this isnt a town

Builders: Me, Ninjatangerine, and maybe others pending,

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? Will give us an awesome center for rp events and give people a chance to enjoy competition in a freindly environment,

Used materials: Pending, most likely standard stuff like stonebrick,woodplanks and logs, maybe some iron and some glowstone lights. only diff material is the maze, which i PLAN to make out of Ice, whether i can.. well thats up to the kings :)

Inspiration: looking at warstrom arena, Skara spleef and a maze i made when i first started minecraft. oh and the paladin fortress's little obstacle course,

RP explanation/introduction: oh dear.*this is made up on the spot. proper introduction pending perhaps*
The people of altera have always competed with each other, fighting in arena's, running from one town to another, Building the better house, who has the most dogs. Alot of people have complained that their rivals and their arenas are 2 far apart. Suddenly whilst staring at The marvel that is Warstrom arena, i had an idea! a mega Sports arena! bringing all Alterans*right word?* together in one place for freindly competetions to grow and rivalrys to entertain the masses!

Apologies if this is rather bad..

Planning: Only have a rough sketch for now.
may get a better one later, i have a shell made of cobble in sorrowlands.
coords -500 660*hope sorrow doesnt get reset soon*

Links to previous work: Dont quite understand what to put in here. help?

i would really like this to be accepted*like everyone else to posts here XD* I've talked to quite a few people in Hollowworld and most reactions to the idea have been positive, ive tried making my own way to 100k to try this, but i just cant make that much!
After doing all i can to run events in hollowworld, this is the one thing i would like to build, After seeing all the awesome buildings in all the towns this is the one thing i Know i can build for all of Altera!. I hope i am atleast given a chance to try..

Here's to hoping!
Hail the King!


Declined. I'm sorry but this is the kind of thing that really should go into a town. Other towns have made arenas and such with their own money so it would be unfair to approve of this really. I don't dislike the idea at all though.


as much as i really wish i could of. i understand your reason. tho im not giving up ;) ill just do whatever ican to make the 100k to do it anyway. Mwuahahaha
nothing wrong with that right?

anywayz thank you for the reply :)


ow? twas a bit mean wasnt it? he already declined it. that didnt need to be posted imo :/ *Worried that now in comes a perm/temp ban for opinion*
anywayz this is over. ill get to work on trying to make the 100k. when the serv is back up :p