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Scottfox - Rejected (Perma-ban stays).

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Lord of Altera
It says i've been banned for x-raying , i don't even have that mod and i haven't used it on this server at all. Yesterday night i left and it was all fine nobody gave me any warning or anything, when i try to log in today it says that i xrayed and i'm banned.
I'm 100% that i did not x-ray and what is my fault that i got lucky to step into a packed mine? It was ores and things everywhere. The only mods i have are modloader, audio mod and random mobs nothing else.
I would just want to know for what i've been categorised as a x-rayer if i didn't do it.

And if my mining styles seems odd well i dig in pre-dug tunnels and i always take out redstone and coal , i like redstone contraptions a lot , all the diamond and lapis i found was around coal and redstone ores and some iron ones, I don't like this situation at all.(plus yesterday i cleaned my minecraft to install back the textures)


Lord of Altera
Well at first I thought you were lucky when I saw the first few diamonds you dug, then it just got more blatant and obvious. You'd walk right into pre-dug mines and go right to the diamond. No genuine searching around, no nothing.

Please note that this is not ALL the evidence, I figured it was too obvious by the time I got to the last screenshot and just couldn't bother any more.

Pre-dug mine, you have just dug right into the wall and below to get to the diamond.

Same thing, different spot.

Same thing, although this one made me facepalm. You've dug into someone's pre-dug mine, gotten this diamond then...

Gone around the corner for more..

Dug 1 block into the wall and gotten diamond. Although this was surprisingly your mine.
But! It turns a corner and-

This was expected.


Pre-dug mine

stairs then straight path to diamond.


Lord of Altera
I didn't think the tunnels were that ovius , well i know i didn't x-ray , the 2 tunnels with a stair down i first dug down then made the second one, some were weird spots i know this seems like xraying , damn from those screenshots it makes me think i did xray lol , but i did not i've spent 3 hours yesterday in mines , some i found with Minecraft_King_ and darthcorey, well i guess theres nothing i can say that would change this. Well thanks for showing the evidence.And i'm sorry for disapointing , but i continue to maintain my statement i did not x-ray.


Lord of Altera
It doesn't matter if you went mining with someone, I also saw where you were legitimately mining, seen 2 different styles. But I'm going to stand by my fave thing to say.

I have yet to see a legitimate straight to ore style.

You can say "I didn't/never use xray! But these tunnels are too clean and just.. obvious. It's not possible to be legit.


King ForumStalker
Didnt you say you go for redstone and coal? but in that last pre-dug mine one I see redstone you just ignored, straight to diamond instead.


Lord of Altera
legitimate straight to ore style? = go level 12-16 dig 2x2 tunnels in all directions good way to find diamonds , those redstone ores i missed


Lord Zanros Hawklight
by the looks of those tunnels you seem to have an amazing 'ability' to dig exactly to the place that diamond is located, even if you didn't mine the tunnel yourself, this seems to be pretty convincing evidence for x-ray and i am going to have to say the ban should stand


Lord of Altera
Well i agree with you, i know i did it wrong , i know im fucked so good luck, im out, btw atleast give the items from my chests to someone.

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
I'm pretty lucky in mining, but I never find that many diamonds. Like sally and zanros are saying, this is extremely obvious.

(I have to say this)
My diamond sense is tingling..


<3 Hollow World
You spent a huge amount of time mining yesterday, but when you went to Sorrowlands about 8pm UK time you made the mistake of using X-ray. I'm not arguing with you I'm simply stating the facts.

You went mining with Minecraft_King_ around then and despite the fact you were both mining together in the same area, with MC_King on occassion removing the block next to yours, you were the person who found the diamond ore in that time, that's more than suspicious.

You got 70 in that time, MC King didn't manage to hit even one as you knew exactly where it was.

You're perma-banned, end of discussion. if I spot your IP popping up on the forums under another username I'll nuke that too. You've given up on the appeal because frankly it's blatantly obvious that you were cheating, which is daft because if you'd come clean and admitted to using X-ray or a ore finder mod I'd have considered giving you a clean start.
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