Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Shaommon Tayen - Application - [Declined - Mikipowah]

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1. What is your minecraft username?
2. How old are you?
I am 21 years old.
3. What gender are you?
I am a male.
4. What country do you live in?

5a. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before logging onto the server?
Of course, such a beautifully written guide ! How could I ever not swallow the whole without nodding extensively ? As a matter of fact, I printed it out and placed upon my bedroom wall.
5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game?
Shame be the death of me should I ever ask anything without consulting this epitome of our time and space !
6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction.
ShaommonTayen: "I am baffled by this ! No way is this even possible ! You... You, yes, I am talking to YOU ! You built a dirt house in the CAPITAL CITY ?! A god-pounding dirt house ??! No, no, no, not only did you build this out of dirt, but you put an iron door to protect it... Who does that ?! Who is the moron who puts an IRON door to defend a dirt house ?! What, do you want to blend into the landscape ? Well, burry yourself in it !Oh, and I nearly forgot that tower of yours ! What, your mommy learned you to pillar-jump and you made it your life's task to ruim every goddamn landscape with those monstrous atrocities ? Ooooh, it is a beacon.. Well I see now that makes it alright then ??? Get out, I don't want to see the inside, I want you to clear it out !"
As the headman of a major construction corporation, I am at the very least unpleased by architectural misschief. I come from poor grounds and farmlands and my life was though until I became an apprentice at the Kings Academy. It took our family all it had but I proved worthy and paid triple back. No, I do not strive to be the best, most insane provider, but to be an honest contributor to the realm and surely keeping a tight look over the buildings I provide. This said, I don't build for the sole purpose of building, I build for people, within a greater scheme of things.

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.
Well, for one, those who read the previous point will not be shocked, I am a student in Architectural Engineering. It's a weird, geeky world full of wannabe designers with a nick for durability and ingenuity. And that is just one step ahead of getting addicted to Minecraft : p Now, before minecraft, I was not really into the whole internet community based games and more of a solo player kinda guy, but since short (since I started my own server) it became a real part-time job to maintain towns intact over time and trace back faulty players.
As a matter of fact, just by reading a bit about your server I really sensed the dedication and thrive behind it. This server will for one not be about "cann I dig in plot or no claim plz lulz?" but more about really providing players the experience they deserve AND CREATING their own history.
And isn't that what Role-Playing is all about ? : )
A last thing I'd like to say is that I am a really sociable guy, always out to help and make time to share my knowledge. Also, I am a guitar and bass player, if it makes any difference : p​
8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
My laptop just gave up on me one week ago, so no server data, screenshots, you'll just have to trust me on this one : p
If you ask though, I might post what I'll have done by then.

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
Nothing, except maybe (if it means anything) that I have played through all the Elder Scrolls (ok, all but Arena), read A song of Ice And Fire and played D&DA and Magic throughout my high-school time. I know, I know, pretty common these days, but hey, at least there's that : p
And, oh yes, this is finally a server where I would consider donating a plus-value : )

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?

11. How did you find out about our server?
On MCSL and PlanetMinecraft.

12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here) YES. Sorry for the long post: here, no potatoe


Thick Skulled Spaniard
Declined - There's lots of swearing in the application, plus the poll is very inconvenient, try again making a proper application.
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