Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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shouter_kid's app again im sorry


i have sorted it out so here goes

1my username is shouter_kid
2 my real name is ryan
3 i am 22 years old
4 im male
5 im from ireland
6 i have read the tome of citizenship
7 i really like roleplaying games like fable
8 hello people i love basketball and evrything u all like im here to have fun and mess around with people
9 i have no work pictures
10 no
11 yes i have not hacked in my entire life of gaming
12 i have not voted


Loyal Servant of Altera
Here's what I wrote to you in PM last time your application was rejected. Before this one also gets declined, please read what I said a little more carefully:

My suggestion to you is click on the "Apply for Whitelist" shortcut at the top of the page, next to "Home", "Wiki" and all that, and read that whole post. Then, when you've read it all, start a new application, using the proper format provided and include all the questions and numbers. Take your time and answer carefully. Think of it like a job interview - the more effort you put in, the more likely you are of being accepted. This server is truly fantastic and well worth the effort of a good application, which is why not everyone gets in.

That's my suggestion anyway. All the best with your application.


Grand Lizard
Please compare your application to the ones which get accepted. Tell me what the difference is.


Loyal Servant of Altera
i dont think you are 22 O.O and for all of them a good application would be 2 sentences or more and for number 8 you need to ave atleast 8 sentences, 10 is good. wish you luck