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Silverline - New plant proposal

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  • May be good eventually, but needs WAY more work before implementation.

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Lord of Altera
A question recently came up in the nakam lore about catnip, and how/whether it works on nakam, and it seems that now there is a relatively harmless drug out there for our furry, humanoid buddies. And, upon seeing it in the roleplay I suddenly wondered if Altera has any drugs which its humans and those similar to humans can enjoy. Because whether or not it'd be a good thing for a few of them to be out there, I can't really believe that in the entire time Altera's existed, nobody's found a single drug-effect inducing plant.

I would propose, if there are no such drugs in Altera, that we invent our own so as to avoid any major issues with people feeling awkward about legality. I'd also suggest that we not have any of the hard drugs present in 2013, because most of them would be A. impossible to make and/or B. a pain in the butt if they got involved in RP.

My proposed Alteran drug is fairly weak; it's called "Silverline" and is a plant which, when crushed and eaten with food or mixed up in a drink, induces relaxation, slight disorientation, minor impairment of motor and speech skills, and general goofiness. People on the drug tend to find everything hilarious and tend to say ridiculous things and then think that they just had a genius idea. There is also a humongous boost to personal confidence. This can be good or bad, depending on the situation.

It grows in temperate climates during and right after the heat of summer. The plants take about six weeks to grow to full size, in case anyone ever feels like cultivating them. The effects come from chemicals secreted as an oil on the inside of the leaves, which can be extracted using various methods; feel free to get inventive as to how, if you start selling extract. It has a spade-shaped leaf, which is dark, olive green, and has two symmetrical silver stripes. These strips curve outwards from the stem of the leaf then come back together towards the tip of the leaf. The plant looks like this (when it is not in bloom).


(Pardon my lousy photo editing job. The image is for concept and function, not for beauty.)

Each plant consists of 7-10 leaves (about 9-12 inches long each) circled around a single, central flower stalk. Which looks like this:

So remember, when picturing Silverline, picture a mass of leaves like you see in the first picture, with a few stalks of those red flowers poking out here and there. Silverline is a hydrophyte-that means it grows in water. It forms a small floating mat, which can tether itself to the floor of a still body of water using a few long, narrow roots.

In order to make use of the plant, one of these mats (usually about a meter across) can be harvested, and then the leaves, which contain a type of gel and large amounts of air, must be hammered into mush. This mush can be added to drinks or food as you like, but is too bitter for most to consume on its own. For the desired affects, about 20 grams of gel must be added for an average adult, and using up to 25 grams will slightly increase the effects. Any more than that will not greatly increase the impacts, but will make the user nauseous and will very likely induce vomiting due to chemical imbalance in the stomach and dizziness. (As one of the fastest-acting vomiting-inducing substances in Altera, silverline could be used to treat people who'd consumed poison.)

So, to make silverline in-game:
1. Pick lily pads
2. Change name to "Silverline" with an anvil
3. Combine with food/drinks and you're ready to go!

So, good idea? Bad idea? Feel free to leave a rating or post comments with suggestions, concerns, ideas, things you'd want to be included, etc.


I thought it was removed by admins because of drugs and stuff :I
Anyway I like this idea. I think there also needs to be some basic ones like the equivilent to tobacco.

I remember when it was all the rage to sell swiftness potions as skooma :p


Lord of Altera
I support all and any plant suggestions, just because it makes more rp possibilities for alchemists and or herbalists.


Lord of Altera
Sounds like a great idea, and a few friends and I had an rp a while back which involved drug use... it was probably the best offline rp I've had in ages.


Machy234 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought we're allowed to do pretty much anything in forum rp...
Within the rules of the forums and in a respecable manner. The rules on roleplay are the same IG and on the forums as far as I it's still PG 13...


This plans a GRE--Whooaaaaaa man, did you see that flying saucer, man? Awesssoommmeeee man....


King's Hand
You really should make a wiki page of it.
If you get the ok from a loremaster, I could also open a new section "plants" on the Mainpage.