Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Siren's Call, Deadly yet beautiful.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Siren's Call needs some slaves/citizens to fill it up and get some work done!

There are many jobs that need doing, and all resources are pooled in a storage room where they are available for everyone's use!

Here is a link to the town for more information:

If you're new and need an RP to start out as, why not be a captured slave and work while you learn the ropes?
You'll start fitting in with the Alteran culture while being a productive member AND have opportunities/time to sculpt and build your RP profile. 3 birds with 1 stone.

Just fill out this application and post it on either this thread or the town one, or ask in-game for an interview!

Siren's Call Application Form

Name (RP):


Link to RP Profile:

Class (Slave, or citizen):

Reason for joining:


Loyal Servant of Altera
Come on people, being a slave isn't that bad! I need a slave army to attack pirates with!


Lord of Altera
Come back any way's.
Being a slave is awesome with Bewpy. Very little is required of us. Do what she says and no one gets shocked. :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
As long as you do your duties, I'm not that bad. Except when I'm in my evil RP mood. ;)

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
Name (RP): Nerissa (Not sure of a last name)

Race: Melf (Half mermaid, half elf)

Link to RP Profile: I have not made one yet

Class (Slave, or citizen): Citizen, but as a child I will be somewhat of a slave

Reason for joining:With her Mother mysteriously gone, and her Father often on trips that take days or weeks, she has only one remaining kin left, Bewpy, her aunt. She came to help, unknowing that she was causing evil and terror throughout the lands, only to believe she is trying to bring back her homeland to life, and her aunt happy, as normally, Bewpy hates her, so she wants to please her and prove herself she can help.


Legend of Altera
im think about geting a rp name but im just not good with makeing up names off the bat i would like a tad bit of help