Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Sly_Ninja_Karnon Application - [Declined - Mikipowah]

1. My minecraft username is Sly_Ninja_Karnon.

2 I am 12 years of age.

3.I am male.

4. I live in England

5a. I do agree to read your Survival Guide before logging into the server.

5b. I also agree to consult the Tome of Citizenship page and the Everything you need to know page before I ask any questions.

6a. The roleplay aspect of this server is something I have to say I really enjoy, having roleplayed many times beforehand, I enjoy the medieval renaissance feeling of it all.

6b. I do have quite a bit of experience roleplaying, I've done it many times before and it comes as a joy to me. All the times I have roleplayed have actually been of the medieval/fantasy genre.

7. So, I am a bright boy, I enjoy minecraft, gaming, but I also like to help out around town, play with my friends. I would like to be part of this community, because I like big communities that are good for roleplaying, I appreciate experienced roleplayers but of course I don't judge. This community does in fact seem fun, and to me, it seems also professional which I am used to. I am willing to assist anyone in the server if so is needed though. I suppose I also like the atmosphere of communities large like this. Big, friendly, sophisticated. That kind of thing. I myself have been told I am quite a professional RPer, well at joining plots, so I thought I may be able to fit in nicely.

8. I have built quite a few extroadinary designs, or so I've heard. Unfortunately, my minecraft files got corrupted, so I had to reset the whole thing, and I lost those designs and pictures.

9. There is not much more I have to tell you really.

10. I am aware that any black magic is not allowed, and if I find out anyone has black magic, I shall report it to the admin team.

11. I got this server from MCServerList.

12.I have not yet voted for it, but I plan to.