Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Songs with your RP characters! ,(what song reminds you of your character)


We demons of our solemn hour
For example I think jeroxia fits with: Madness - Muse
For obvious reasons !
1. Jeroxia is mad!
2. It simulates the doubt he has in people

Character name: ( insert song here)
Reason why:


Lord of Altera
1. has psychosis
2. lot of people think he is insane

Caspian: paranoid by Black Sabbath
Why: Caspian is still pretty much insane from years alone and the Darkblood ripping out half his mind, yet still retains sanity in calm situations


Lord of Altera

This song overwhelmingly reminds me of Sajek >_>
Mostly due to the fact that any and all form of singing/speaking is missing, yet the simple tune in itself still carries on a story of it's own.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
This right here is probably what Lathan would identify with. He may be an old fart whos nearing 70, but hes a melodramatic teenager at heart! (Who needs to die.)

And this describes what runs through Eminus' mind absolutely perfectly.