Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Special Building Permission (Updated)


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Hello citizens. For those of you with creative minds and a knack for designing, but lack monetary skills or are too ambitious, we are now offering special building permission.

This means that you may be granted permission to construct your non-town build without having to worry about claiming all of the land, finding enough residents etc etc. However only the very best builders and most well thought out buildings will be given permission. Also, builds must have a strong roleplaying element, as these build are intended to be public, and for the good of the server.

To be accepted you must write an application in the following format:
Minecraft Username:

Name of Project:

Location of Project: (Either screenshots, a link to the map or coords)

Size of the project: (The more exact you are the more likely it is you will be granted permission)

Intention of the project: (Is it a fortress, a keep, a castle, a maze, a dungeon etc etc. DO NOT! apply for ahouse, as builds will be public.)

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: (Why is it unrealistic to claim yourselves?)

Residents: (Who will live there after its completion?)

Builders: (Who will help build the project?)

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? (I want a full reason, not "It will look good")

Used materials:


RP explanation/introduction: (I expect a nice, well thought out full length paragraph. I will litterally decline it for solely a bad RP section. Make it nice. If you arent the best story teller dont worry, as long as you made it obvious you put effort in, ill most likely grant it. Also feel free to ask me Lars or Fitz or any of the rolemasters for help)

Planning: (If youve got any screenshots/sketches/proof of concepts, please put them here)

Links to previous work: (This can be either on hollowworld or other places. This is important, i expect some links.)


Well thats the form.

If you seek permission take time to really think about what you want to build. Think of its reasons for being, past and present events that took place there. Conceptualize it in your mind before starting to build. Draw sketches and make plans. Ask yourself why you want to build this, and come up with reasons for how it would be a benefit to the server.

(All current applications will be processed based on Lar's old form, from now on use this one.)


Resigned Admin
Question: how will this be set up? Do admins/mods create a town and then grant the town bonus plots or something?


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
We will:
create a town as either ourselves or another player who we agree with and trust as mayor.
We will then claim the necesary amount of plots
We will then make you, and whoever else is building the project with you a friend, and give all permissions.


Resigned Admin
We will:
create a town as either ourselves or another player who we agree with and trust as mayor.
We will then claim the necesary amount of plots
We will then make you, and whoever else is building the project with you a friend, and give all permissions.
Alright, thanks. I'm planning something big for 1.9 after Aspendale has been properly set up and, luckily, it'll match your criteria of having a huge rp position and encompasing >70 plots. Honestly, it fits so perfectly into your frame that I feel like the whole "special building permission" thing was made for this project. I've been hashing out my plans and I'm really looking forward to this. So happy! :D


Resigned Admin
What is the position on outposts? If, say, I wanted to include watchtowers or unconnected ruins into a project, would that be possible?