Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Spid3rv3nom whitelist application [Bellonthewise - Declined]*


My minecraft username is Spid3rV3nom

My Real Name is Brendon

My Age is 13

I am a Male

I live In Canada

Yes i have read the Tome of Citzenship when i first logged in.

I feel Like the roleplaying aspect is a great idea sounds really fun. I played Wow which was pretty fun i played skyrim which is amazing.. i really like questing games

My name is Brendon. I like Rpg Games Skyrim wow and Minecraft. my favourite foods are pizza burgers and Tacos. My Favourite colour is yellow.. i havnt played many servers on minecraft because im pretty new, i played a few servers my friend made. My favorite sports are hockey basketball soccer. My favorite song is where them girls at-david geuetta Nicki minaj flo rider. my Minecrft Skin is Ash Ketchum from Pokemon when i was younger my favorite character.

I am not that great builder but here are some screen shots of what i done on creative mode.


Nothing else i dont want to share..

I understand that using
black magic (xraying, xray texture packs or mods for locating ores) is not allowed.


Bellon the Wise

Survivor of Five Rivers
Your application is missing the question. This is not a very good application. I understand that your friend is on our server and I really appreciate you trying to get on. However, standards must be met. Please take a look at some other applications to get an idea of the caliber we are looking for. I just recently approved some applications that were really good and approved on the spot. Take a look at those please.


Alright forget im not bothering them i answered the questions honestly so umm yeah you can delete this thread and delte my account Please