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StormGuard - Employment


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hello one and all whom are reading this post.
I am toughguyrm, soon to be founder of the new town of StormGuard once again.
The only reason we have not started, is because i have not done a good job of finding people to help with the project.

the New Stormguard's theme is Byzantine, and we need the following types of workers.
No direct money will be granted, other then bonuses for superb work. By working with us you are placing yourself in our town. You will always be guaranteed a house and spot in our town, and also you will be elligable for City Council.

The following roles are needed, once they are taken, they are taken. Quantity needed in paranthesees

Higher Roles:
*Builder (4)- Must be good at being able to build a theme with picture refference.
*Architect(2)- This will be the one to oversee projects for me, and figure out ways to place builds together so that they look good.
*Resource Gatherer(Infinite)- These are people who's only real job is to go out and get supplies that the builders and architects tell them to get for them.
*Mayor Assistant(1)- this is the man who does a lot of writing and revising. They will help me to come up with political ideas, write them out, and/or review and revise the ones i write.

Lower Roles:
*Chef(1)- You will own your own store and be in charge of having chests shops supplied with food.
*LumberJack(1)- You will own your own store and be in charge of having chest shops filled with all types of wood
*Alchemist(1) - Enchanting and potions and ingrediants your thing? Open up an alchemy shop.
*Miner(1)- You like to mine? Great, go out, get some resources, and sell them at your shop.
*Town Guard(variable)- We need people willing to patrol the town and keep an eye out of trouble makers.
*Other(variable)- have another roll you want to fill that is important but not on this list? Just put Other down.

If you are interested in these rolls, simply go to our towny post, apply to join, and under you application just put in brackets [Town Guard] or whatever you want. However, if you want to help the town within your own town, simply mesage me. The best application (most detailed, most information included, etc.) will be given the roll.

Any questions, feel free to message me.


Legend of Altera
I fully support New Stormguard and, as someone who was around in the days of the original, can say that I suspect it will be very successful if it gets enough members. On that note, I am willing to financially endorse the project if it gets ten committed people willing to join it.


King ForumStalker
It's a great idea, but maybe you should be more open to people already in other towns to help out, since many people who would like to help may already be tied to a town and not willing to leave.


Loyal Servant of Altera
It's a great idea, but maybe you should be more open to people already in other towns to help out, since many people who would like to help may already be tied to a town and not willing to leave.
The issue with that is that we want our town to be a community. All these jobs are useful to both helping the town and RP. Instead of having a town market, we want people to turn their plots into a shop. That way people actually have to look for new shops if they want to buy something, and so on.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I wanna be a builder, but I really need to stay in my current town, any suggestions?
I just edited the system so now builders, resource gatherers, and architects can apply from out of town.
Welcome to the team!
The town has not been started yet, because we are still doing a lot of planning.
In the mean time ,try to come up with some designs and let me know the resources you will be needing. The theme of our town is Byzantine