Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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story time with uncle fitz: Altera Book 1


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
I am currently writing a novel in what little free time I have. it will have mature content and will be held off site for this reason on an age restricted site. I'll post updates here when I have added more. I hope that you all enjoy. comments and questions are welcome, no promises that I will respond in anything even remotely resembling a timely fashion however.


Retired Staff
This is most excellent and I will continue following the development of your tale.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Ch. 2 is started. It will probably be finished by tomorrow. The chapters are shorter than those of an actual novel but that is mostly so it is easier to keep your place. If you see me failing at the grammers and/or spelllings feel free to copy & paste the section where the fail occurs and include the chapter number. I am frequently typing how I think rather than how I should so that things make sense.

Its a bit of a slow start. no killing or action that you may have come to be accustomed to with my stories. This is because I am trying to write a full length novel rather than a short story. If you have a character who you would like to see make a cameo let me know and if it fits with the story it shouldn't be a problem.