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Suggestions for Magical Lore-(Please don't hurt me if you're not open to suggestions!)


Lord of Altera
Just to clarify, this is not Altera's magical lore. This is my ideas on how magic could be, up for either consideration to be added/incorporated into the lore if it is seen fit and would not disrupt what we already have too much.

My ideas:
The way I envisioned magic prior to reading Altera's magical lore was the following: magic flows through the world, manifesting itself as time. It has the power to create and reshape objects. Magic's most notable manifestation is definitely life. To create life, natural magic alters and shapes the matter of the world into a conscious body with the energy and internal organization to survive.

Any object upon which magic acts is eroded by magic's forces, thus aging due to prolonged exposure to magic, aka time. (I know this may seem a bit far-fetched, but work with me. No idea starts off perfect.) The better the conductor, the less magic erodes it. This is why some people seem to age faster than others. And it is also why gods live forever and are so incredibly powerful; they are perfect conductors of magic, and are able to use it to perform infinitely difficult tasks. Also, since they are perfect conductors, they don't wear out due to exposure to magic, which I'll remind you is actually the same thing as time.

The reason runes function is because certain symbols, shapes, etc., when made with just the correct materials and in exactly the right formation, reflect and stir the energy of magic flowing through them in a way that focuses the magic and creates a certain effect. Therefore, the more complicated runes would have to be written in an ink specific to that rune. Some runes are so complicated that they have to be three dimensional; these would be something like a charm crafted with wire to create a three-dimensional character. Basically, a magician is someone with the skill, dedication, and knowledge to use these runes. The thing is, runes act as conductors of magical energy--when used they don't only wear out, they also leak energy. Usually, this is in the form of heat; overused runes written on the user can leave serious burns or injuries. In theory, if enough energy is concentrated through a rune, it could basically incinerate everything within an area. However, it is important to note that according to my ideas, runes tap solely into the magic of the universe, not the magic of their users unless the rune is written on the person, in which case the person uses their own magical energy to activate the rune.

Magical words work the same way: when a certain phrase is spoken in just the right pitch and volume, the vibrations alter the flow of magic in a manner which results in a certain effect. Spoken magic always draws on the energy of the user in order to manipulate the magic of the universe, after all, if magic is a four-dimensional waterfall which flows through everything in the three-dimensional world, bending its currents to suit our needs may result in intense power and amazing results, but the act of altering the flow of magic is not easy. Thought magic, the most basic form, is the most complicated. Electrical impulses in the brain, often amplified by the energy of the soul, also have the capability of reflecting and focusing the universe's energy to perform magical tasks.

How come these runes, words, and thoughts work? Well, basically, since time began, all objects and energies have altered the flow of the magic as it passes through them. Usually, however, these changes in the currents of time do not create any particular focal point of magical energy and therefore do not have any effect. However, as time went on, solely by happenstance, certain shapes, sounds, and eventually thoughts were found to have a noticeable effect due to how they shaped the currents of time. These shapes, sounds, and thoughts were carefully recorded by the first mages, and as more have been discovered, they have been added to form an ever-growing volume of knowledge regarding means of manipulating the energy of the universe.

How this could be used in Altera:
Now, I realize that not all of this lines up with Alteran lore on magic, but if you like anything from my ideas on magic involving runes, please add them to what we already have on magic. One example of how this could be done is that since there are, according to the present lore, wells which store magical energy, perhaps those wells could be a part of the spirit which is capable of storing the energy of the universe and saving it for later, much the same way that plants store the energy of sunlight for later through photosynthesis. Obviously, runes shouldn't be the only way that magic is manipulated in Altera since other people would like to enjoy their own creativity and would like to use magic how they see fit.


Lord of Altera
Just in case you're curious, this isn't just some poorly thought out magical lore suggestion list I just decided to spam here. It's the system of magic I'm using to explain how magic works in a fantasy novel/novellette I'm writing.


King ForumStalker
We've already got some writing on how magic works, Legion wrote it up a while ago. I'll see if I can find the thread for you.


Lord of Altera
Here you go:

The one that Legion wrote is in a private section but this one is still well written.
Yeah, I read that. But I wasn't sure if it was set in stone, since it's not in the handbook yet. I guess I just didn't feel like the explanation of how magic functions (esp. why it's possible) fully accounted for where the magic originally comes from. Also I just really like the concept of magic and time being the same thing. ^.^ But, like I said in the title, if I'm making suggestions on a topic which is not accepting suggestions, please tell me and I'll stop bugging you guys about it.


King ForumStalker
Yeah, I read that. But I wasn't sure if it was set in stone, since it's not in the handbook yet. I guess I just didn't feel like the explanation of how magic functions (esp. why it's possible) fully accounted for where the magic originally comes from. Also I just really like the concept of magic and time being the same thing. ^.^ But, like I said in the title, if I'm making suggestions on a topic which is not accepting suggestions, please tell me and I'll stop bugging you guys about it.
It is in the handbook.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
You are allowed to explain magic in really any way you like so long as you meet the following criteria:
1) Magic is energy dependent. The harder it is to do something by hand, the harder it is to do the same thing with magic. For example, it is harder to create a roaring fireball than it is to light a candle. The words/runes/incantations may be the same, what changes is energy requirement.
2) No infinite energy/infinite magic/infinite ability. No one is strong enough to lift a mountain, boil a sea, manipulate time etc etc.
3) Magic is simply a tool: magic cannot do things that cannot be done by other means if enough energy and knoweledge were available. This means that you cannot use magic to do things that are otherwise impossible. e.g. Time travel (For the purposes of this, we are going to assume time travel is impossible. Dont bring up relativity, that aint time travel)
4) There is inherent risk in casting spells/using magic.

As magic is really a gray area (its meant to be) we allow people to believe whatever they like, and RP however they like, as long as they acccept the limitations of it and dont be OP.


Lord of Altera
Wait, then I still have one more question: there was something I read about needing some kind of points to be a talented wizard.. what's that about, how do I get these points, and how do I use them?


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Im assuming you are referring to the website Fitz has created that serves as a sort of players handbook, the point system in that is actuallymeant for a tabletop game he is developing. They are not enforced in Altera.
Though we of course suggest you use them!


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
A good way to do that i find:
Rather than changing who your character is, just rewind a few years in his life, and then let him develop into his abilities in actual in-game rp.


Lord of Altera
A good way to do that i find:
Rather than changing who your character is, just rewind a few years in his life, and then let him develop into his abilities in actual in-game rp.
Thanks for the tips! (Still kinda sucks since the character's supposed to be a prodigy, and he'd have to be like 8 cuz he was already really young. I'll be writing the character profile soon if I decide to go through with it; you can see what I end up doing then.)


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
That could be a problem yea. That was a tip generally aimed at characters of significant age.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
sorry Ive been super busy with uni as of late. the google sites page is on a temp hold until i can find time to fill it.