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Taegan Artorius


Lord of Altera
This is a fairly knew character which needs more thought put into it which I will work on when I figure everything out ^^

Name: Taegan
Full Titles: Taegan Artorius
Nickname/Alias: once she was called "Humming bird" due to her kind and helpful nature

Age: 15
Gender: female
Race: Human
Social Status:
Height: 5'4
Current Home: She wanders around most of the time but her father and his family have been very hospitable towards her.
Build: She is on the skinny side and is slightly small
Hair: She has long flowing brown hair, sometimes with flowers or bows placed carefully in her hair.
Eyes: She has dark dazzling blue eyes that seem to sparkle
Skin: she has light, fare skin with no visible scars or bruises
Identifying Marks:
Appearance: She is quite pretty in appearance, to some she may seem helpless but don't be fooled
Clothing: She wears a light blue dress which ends in-between her ankle and her knee
Weaponry: She is skilled in archery and sword fighting, but usually walks around with just a small dagger as she doesn't like to be "weighed down" by heavy objects
Prized Possessions: a small locket with a drawing of her mother and a lock of her hair
Hygiene: She is very clean
Voice: She has a soft and sweet voice, good for singing

Good personality traits: She is kind and helpful to all those whom she meets who are kind in return.
Bad personality traits: Sometimes she can be too kind to others and can sometimes come off as annoying.
Mood character is most often in: She is usually in a light, happy mood (usually smiling)
Character’s greatest joy in life: She enjoys being surrounded my nature and flowers, sitting under a tree reading a book.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: The death of her grandparents, her family, or losing the only thing she has left of her mother.
Overall attractiveness: She is very pretty and almost always has a kind, beautiful smile.
Usual fashion of dress: Usually dressed in light flowing dresses, usually pretty colours, always seen wearing a flower crown or flowers in her hair.
Favourite outfit: A flowing light blue dress with gold detailing with either black shoes with gold or no shoes at all. It wouldn't be complete without a flower crown
Jewellery or accessories: She doesn't usually wear jewellery except her mother's locket, occasionally she will wear a small belt with a pouch attached to it.

Good personality traits: She is kind and helpful to all those whom she meets who are kind in return.Bad personality traits: Sometimes she can be too kind to others and can sometimes come off as annoying.
Mood character is most often in: She is usually in a light, happy mood (usually smiling)
Character’s greatest joy in life: She enjoys being surrounded my nature and flowers, sitting under a tree reading a book.

Mood character is most often in: She is usually happy and kind, usually smiling at everyone.
Sense of humor: She has a light sense of humor and can be amused by simple things, she doesn't laughing at others though.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Her greatest joy is being outside in nature surrounded by flowers and trees.
Character’s greatest fear: She is afraid of losing anyone else
Why?: Her mother died when she was a baby and she didn't know her father for a very long time.

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: The death of her grandparents, her family, or losing the only thing she has left of her mother.
Character is most at ease when: She is reading or outside surrounded by nature
Most ill at ease when: She is inside while there is a fight and there is not much room for her to feel at ease
Enraged when: Whenever someone is rude to her or others. When someone talks ill about her family and loved ones.
Depressed or sad when: Whenever she looks back on what could have been
Priorities: She puts her family above all.
Life philosophy: She believes that by treating others with kindness, you shall receive the same
If granted one wish, it would be: To have a small place of her own with a large garden

Drives and motivations:
Immediate goals: To help others and always show kindness
Long term goals: To have a place of her own with a large garden

Type of childhood: She grew up in a very loving environment with her grandparents, but worked hard from a young age on their farm
Pets: She grew up surrounded by farm animals which she would call her friends
First memory: She remembers sitting in front of the fire in her grandmothers lap as she read her favourite fairy tale
Most important childhood memory: One thing she remembers most is asking about what kind of person her mother was, and she remembers her grandparents say that she was very like herself which made her happy.
Education: She had a very simple education but seems more educated through her constant reading of different books

Current location: She usually wanders about staying in inns for a night or two, or seeks shelter under trees or in stables
Pets: She has an old horse called Shadow which was given to her by her grandparents when she was younger
Occupation: She doesn't have a job but would like to work brewing potions, at a school or maybe even writing books.

Color: Blue~ and all other pretty colours
Music: She enjoys light music
Food: Her favourite food is watermellon!~
Literature: She enjoys reading books but finds it hard to pick a favourite
Form of entertainment: Talking with others and reading
Mode of transportation: On her horse called Shadow

Hobbies: She enjoys reading and talking with new people
Plays a musical instrument?: She would love to learn an instrument but only knows how to sing
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Probably inside an inn reading and eating, trying to spark conversation with new people
Spending habits: She does not usually spend much as she has little and only uses it for food and shelter

Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Can be a little bit of both (depends on her mood)
Daredevil or cautious?: somewhere in between
Logical or emotional?: Sometimes logical, sometimes emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: She is neat, but only because she has few possessions
Prefers working or relaxing?: It depends what work she would be doing
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Usually confident in herself
Animal lover?: She is a huge animal lover

BACKSTORY: (to be added)

My in-game name is: bluebird751
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