Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Tashinators Application [denied - geo]

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Player Name: Tashinator

Real name: Jonathan

Real Age: 13


type: Assassin

:works for food only:

:builds assassin tomes holding treasures:

1.Have you read the tome of Citizenship

2.How do you feel about roleplay , do you have experience
not exsactly but i just wanna try it out

3. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more. Im jonathan and If theres anything i hate its little kids they are annoying and always disturb me when im doing something immportant but luckily i dont have a little sister and when i say little kid i mean under 6ish. The main intrest i have in minecraft is almost everyone likes to build including me i always make secret doors and other things (most people cant find my bases). I bet we can all agree we hate griefers one time i built a gigantic building made of lots of minerals then someone comes by and starts whacking at it breaking it stealing the minerals. I also dont like it when i am makeing a contraption then someone makes a line of TNT across it then BOOM!!! no more base which is why i hide them deep underground.I also really hate people who just beg people for items if they cant get it themself.I definatelly hate people who kill you just for fun like somtimes im just sitting inside my building minding my own business when someone comes through the door and starts whacking at me.The thing i hate pretty much more than anything would be school because theres always gotta be atleast one bad person and they just get worse as it goes on.

4.if you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the *upload a file* button or link to image or video.
*sorry,i have none.*

5. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xraying, xray texture packs or mods
for locating ores) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?

6.How did you find out about our server?
overheard about it from elder sisters


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
Tashinator said:
the only thing i like to do is sit on the couch and the computer chair and play game any other way i be bored. In 2012 im going to high school. I also have no friends and only once had 1 friend but he left and ive been friendless since.
Why would you put this on an application?
Your application is incredibly negative, you only talk about things you hate, things you don't like, things that annoy you. It in no way has persuaded me to allow you on our server.
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