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Teamspeak Roleplay?


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I don't know if this has been done before, so this may be obvious and already in place, but;

Has there ever been any Roleplaying done using Teamspeak? As in, instead of typing all the actions and words your character does in game, to say them in TS? Or maybe a combination, where your actions are in game, but you speak what your character says? I think it would give a better level of immersion, and would be interesting to hear. Also, I speak much faster than I can write, and can much more easily respond in voice than in typing.

Would anyone else like the idea of roleplaying vocally? Is this already a thing and I just haven't noticed it? Any reason why this would be a bad idea?


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I do not know if it has been done, or perhaps considered, before - however that would take a considerable amount of skill and maturity to maintain, depending on the context of the situation. Some people may also have difficulty distinguishing between OOC and RP, and then everything complicates itself...


The Mogul of Cromarcky
that's understandable. I could see using the ts or in-game chat with ()'s to signify OOC, but this may be a good thing so as to cut down on OOC noise.

The maturity would be a difficult one, but if it could be upheld, man, that would be some awesome roleplay. I play a good bit of tabletop roleplaying games (DnD and the like) and that's great fun when you can get the people at the table to all roleplay in character rather than the "My character tries to bluff the guard" that is a bit too common.

Would anyone be interested in a casual roleplay in teamspeak? Nothing big to start out, maybe even just a hangout in someone's tavern or whatnot, just to see how it works out?