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Temp Ban - Stealing And Griefing

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I've been temp banned until Wednesday 25th for stealing and briefing which I don't think I did. Could someone please tell me who I stole/griefed off?



Lord of Altera
This is the only thing I can see out of the ordinary is two chest transations

35531558 2012-01-23 14:47:46 KrazyStevie Chest Transaction Northern_Kingdoms 14,34,3729 -(50x Wood)
35541210 2012-01-23 14:48:36 KrazyStevie Chest Transaction Northern_Kingdoms -63,59,3879 -(64x Leaves :4)


Those two chest transitions were for decorating my dorm in Uthrandir. I was told that I was allowed to use those supplies for decorating my dorm?


Lord of Altera
Okay, then I have no idea what's happened, sorry. We'll have to wait for MrBubbles, since he was the one who temp banned you.


Lord of Altera
ah yes sorry about the wait.
what you did is you destroyed a ,not that complex, redstone circuit that i know for a fact took quite a long time to set up. You then took all the redstone and pistons (sticky) and then took them. the location itself was behind your room. if you had asked im sure The_elven_lord would have agreed to move it completely but because you destroyed it withought asking or whats more without returning the things.
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