Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Terisel (Small farm)


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: Vestigial_Limb

Name of Project: Terisel

Location of Project: No exact location yet, but close to Brustenburg

Size of the project: Rather small, about 35x35 (is subject to change

Intention of the project: A small farming village

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: It does not belong near ShipwreckCove, and if it was an outpost, people may stay away seeing it was part of a pirate group.

Residents: Probably no one. Maybe some NPC villagers.

Builders: Me and anyone else who wants to help

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld?: It will provide a good place to Rp on a farm, away from the bustle of everyday towns.

Used materials: Wood, planks, dirt, windows, basic farming and house building materials

Inspiration: I've always wanted a nice small place for people to meet and Rp, away from towns where certain people may be attacked or disliked due to town relations. Also my characters mother lives on a farm as a slave. I couldn't put it anywhere else to mess with town lore so I figured a new one would do.

RP explanation/introduction: The farm itself is supposed to take on many roles, for different Rp events. Since I want people to create their own stories, this generic one is not the best; Terisel was an old farm, the people worked and traded, the children laughed and played, it was quite prosperous. But one day, a group of bandit raiders called the Yelikii came and in enslaved the people. At first, the towns people resisted the Yelikii, but they were ruthless and brutal. The people accepted their fate, and lived on throughout the harsh slaving conditions.
(This is simply one story, the idea behind this build is that it's not really a place, people can make their own stories and have an Rp event there. And when they're finished, another group of people with a different idea could use it for something else. It could be a bustling town, or an abandoned village).

Planning: I've been sketching a bit on creative, nothing big, just some little layouts and such.

Links to previous work: This is my first big build on the server, I don't build much on single player either once I found Hollow world. So this will be my big starting build.


Lord of Altera
I'd really like an admin or mod to look at this. It's been ignored and I don't know if that means it's denied or what.