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Text RP!


Lord of Altera
So anyone here interested in text RP? I've made a few threads in my time that have been roleplayed the shiz out of. If I made one, would anyone here be interested?

It wouldn't focus so much on skills and that kind of stuff, but rather only on situations.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Situations? You mean like an adventure that changes based on your decisions (ex. Mass Effect)?


Lord of Altera
Nah, I have examples from various other forums.. But I don't think I'm allowed to post them?!

Aight. I've done stuff that haven't worked.. Like. I've made threads which players do their own actions, and respond to their own actions, which didn't work so well- due to it getting boring after a while. I've made a Skyrim text-rp thread, but everyone began arguing over Lore. But one of my more exciting threads have been like this:

I make a World. An entirely new world of my choosing, not based off everything.

You make a character. Name, looks, gear, short backstory, goal.

I will try to lead you to that goal the best way I can, but the road will be hard. You'll meet various people, find various items and stuff like that that will either hinder you or aid you towards that goal.


Player: Mattheus walked towards the Inn. Threading through the thick layer of mud on the filthy streets of the slum, he didn't mind- distracted by the thought of the sweet delicious mead he was about to gulp down.

Maeland: You enter the Inn, and the first thing that hits you is the smell of alcohol and tobacco. As you enter the main hall of the Inn, you notice that almost everyone is quiet, except for a group of Guards arguing with some people.

^This is my respond to the "Player: Matheus." After my respond, he has freedom to do whatever he wants. If he wants to approach the arguing Guards, ignore them- or simply head for another Inn.

I will be every guy you talk to (excluding other players), I will be every chest you loot, I will every enemy you face.

Inventory, items and all that will be very simple. Weapons doesn't have damage points, armor doesn't have armor points. Simple as that. If you get in a fight with an NPC, you will always have the upper hand, but only if you do things right.

If you're facing 20 guards alone in the corner of the castle-dungeon- you may not be so lucky. I will base your success upon the possibility of your previous action to be successful.


Player: "Matheus runs straight for one of the guards in the middle, and strikes at him as fast as he can."

Maeland: "The guard you striked fell dead on the floor with a bleeding wound in the chest, but as soon as he hits the cold stony floor, you've taken a spear to your left thigh.

You're basically dead once you decide to actually fight back in such an event.

Situations? You mean like an adventure that changes based on your decisions (ex. Mass Effect)?

Oh, and the character sheet thingy's will be in another thread. There you'll fill out a sheet which describes the character. Based on your past, your profession and all that- I will give you a starting amount of Coin when you start. Also, I will not accept over-powered wizzards who's participating to own everyone.

So, what do you say?


Lord of Altera
Good to hear. I will take my time planning and writing this, making the world. If you're in, the chances are more people will join in. I'm going to make the game world small, so everyone has a chance of bumping into eachother- but big enough to make things interesting.

Edit: It will most probably be set in a city or town.