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The Athenorian Highway


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: Dracoboy2

Name of Project: The Athenorian Highway

Location of Project: It will link Aurolus to Saline creek, and probally Jhal Os Eirael - a line of torches can be seen on the dynamic map.

Size of the project: I will check the length soon, but the actual road will be about 5 wide.

Intention of the project: To provide a quality scenic travel route for RP purposes across the realm of Athenor

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: It is a road, therefore not only will the plots be wasted but also it would be ridiculous to buy all the plots (probably around 200,000 radiants if not more)

Residents: There will be no residents (it is a road :p )

Builders: I shall build it, i will have some advisors - Mayors of Saline, J.O.E, Aurolus and Fornost

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? This is a great addition as it will make the realm of Athenor more RP orientated. Many Role-play events can take place of such a large stretch of important road: highwaymen can seek a criminal life, hunts can use the great road to co-ordinate and invasions/wars will be more fun if there are ambush opportunities

Used materials: I will be using Double stone slabs for the small (1 slab high) walls, and stone brick slabs for the main part (3 blocks wide)

Inspiration: The road is an often discussed issue in athenor due to Dr. Rayne's previous build. His works (not saying he was a good man) were very nice and really emphasised the RP aspect of this server

RP explanation/introduction: "hmm, you want me to tell a story about the great road? Lets see what my old, war griefed mind can remember....

It was long, long ago when i first heard of the construction of the road. Back then i was just a simple peasant longing for adventure - but i knew this would be good both for my beloved town and aurolus. The construction, despite being ravaged by creeper after creeper and the odd orc and bandit (this was when they were allied) attack, was rather quick. 3 long years past after the creation and everything was going well, it was being used for transportation of peacetime goods. But oh how quickly that changed.

The council had not foreseen an invasion, it was a quiet and prosperous time for all. No-0ne wanted the road to be used by great war-mongering dictators to march there vile armies down; infecting all lands they passed with fear and hatred. But this was what it had come to. The road played a big part in the war, such a big part that the creators regretted there optimistic decision. Both sides built along the road, however they also committed great destruction along it.

The war ended soon enough, and once again the road became what it had always meant to be - a beacon of peace for all Athenorians"

Planning: i will try to upload something, but my mac's library folder has disappeared so i can't access any of my mine craft files (including screenshots)

Links to previous work: as it is a road i don't have much previous work (and it is a very simple plan- but it looks good). But if you do want some then msg me in game and i can show you.



If you give me a picture of an example of the road and how it would integrate into the terrain, I will approve it.

You need to make sure it fits into the terrain and it shouldn't look too over the top.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Its a little strange, but i like it, id say approve, but Lars can always overturn meXD


Yeah I already approved it through teamspeak but I neglected to post something :p


Adorable according to Michcat
Assistant (and most active) mayor to Fornost Erain speaking. I propose a few roads as such, meeting in a central hub where they intersect. We are one nation, this will serve to unify our towns. If I could assist building, I would do so in a heartbeat. However since I cannot build in the wilderness, I am glad to provide construction materials. Kings, do not consider this an application to build in the wild.

Respectfully, KK​


Lord of Altera
Thanks kk, you're help has been most useful so far - and I'm sure you will help me a lot more in the future!