Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Bard

ryan ashmore

Hollows Explorer
Race:High Elf
Height:7 feet
Weight:8 stone
Hair:A mix of brown of green
Skin: Peachy yellow
Identifying Marks:Always wear's a hankacheif handed down from his parent's.
Appearance:tall and stocky
Strengths:Expert traveler and survivalist
Weaknesses and fears:Arachnipobia

Born in a grotto, far away from civilization with only a cot and a doll made of sticks and straw.He grew to the age of 10 and woke to one day find his mother and father gone... he plucked up the courage he had in him and ventured out of the rock grotto.But he was only to find two remains of what seem to be body's, they had been mauled by a bear. Whispers started to peirce his ear, the whispers of soul's but two stood out from what sounded like billion's of voice's. Those two voices were his parents a vortex of light and elemants swirled in a spiral around and around. His parents told him to go... to go and reach the civilization he had longed to be with. (1o years later) He lived in a cozy house with his long lost auntie (Well... long lost 4 years ago) in a of small proportians in a city so huge it was like an ant, he was one with the ladies not to mention he's an exellent bard. Then one day his auntie told him what she should of done years ago, were Fal realy should be... with the other elves.