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The Battle of CobbleStone Fist Keep


Lord of Altera
For 18 days and 18 nights a group of fighters held the Bandit Fort of CobbleStone Fist Keep.
This is the story....

At the start of the first day, A small group of men lead by the great mercenary Royo were moving through the Southern Wilds, the group was stalking bandits lead by none other than DeadPress Himself.
However the bandits had this small group outnumbered, sensing the danger General Hrothgar sent a messenger raven to the north to receive reinforcements to help fight off the bandit horde.
The group fell back to the jungle where they reached a vantage point in the trees, and waited for any help that would be coming.
This raven reached the Hall of Stormhold and in turn the news was spread to the Members of House Lonmar and House Yearnen by Leo Lonmar, both houses swiftly assembled a band of troops to assist their friends in this time of danger.

By the beginning of the second day, the reinforcements had reached the central camp in the Southern Wilds.
The reinforcements made their way through the woods by the side of the bandit occupied road, however this did not go unnoticed as the bandits spotted some of the group in the trees.
Abandoning their fortress and the road , the bandits gave chase through the woods.... their greatest mistake....
As they did eliminate a few soldiers, they ultimately left the fortress open for capture.
The Main force descended from the trees and ran straight into CobbleStone Fist Keep, and by the time the bandits realised what was happening it was to late.
The original group of men and a large group of reinforcements who had moved up the abandoned road, now manned the walls of the Keep.

The waiting game had started, the bandits knew they couldn't take the fort back as the group now outnumbered them. But the group inside the fort knew that the bandits would win in open combat as the bandits had greater equipment.
Over the next 12 days, several small skirmishes occurred on the outskirts of the fort.
A fraction of the group moved outside of CobbleStone Fist Keep and briefly held the Wooden Overlook Fort.

Soon enough the start of Day 15 was dawning, the defenders of the keep were tired, running out of food and several troops had returned home believing the fort to be of no use.
The bandits however had grown in numbers and were ready to make their move.

The bandits struck hard, the surviving defenders fell back to the inside of the Keep.
Things looked grim and it looked as if the bandits were assured to win.
Believing this the Bandit Chief Deadpress left the battle, not thinking it was worth his time.
But Royo almost single-handedly held the entrance to the keep, killing all bandits who entered.
It was then the defenders made their move, charging from the inside of the keep, they ran into the courtyard killing all bandits in their path but not without taking heavy losses themselves.

It was then when all hope of victory was lost, a force lead by the Golden Crusade charged into the keep and turned the tide of battle.

Ultimately, the battle ended here with a loss for the bandits.
Much loot was shared amongst the defenders and a great shame fell upon the bandits who failed to retake their own keep.

Let this be an example to all that the free people of Altera can stand up to the Bandit hordes, even in the Southern Wilds.


Lord of Altera
OOC: We had a huge unplanned PVP siege at CobbleStone Fist Keep in the SW
In total it lasted for 6 hours.


Lord of Altera
Royo was the true hero of that battle,
He helped organise the defenders once the lines had been broken, held the door while others healed themselves and Lead the counter attack out of the keep.

Thank you Royo