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The entertainment industry in altera


The original mute
I decided to set up this thread so people who roleplay as actors, musicians, bards, singers, and all other forms of entertainer can respond, and I can gauge how popular it is to roleplay someone as such. I shall have a list in this post for all people who prove themselves to be an entertainer.
To be eligible your character has to be an entertainer, not be able to be one. An example is my character, the mute musician. I won't accept any character who is a warrior, but can play the violin or such, it has to be someone who entertains as their rp.



I dont mention in my backstory, but Gromm got a bard licence.
Also, Gromm (read chapter four mah backstory) has a flute.

I can proudly say, Gromm can sing a song called
'peace and rain' whom only he knows


Lord of Altera
Well, I'm gonna have a char who's insane... But insanely talented on the flute :p
He'll be up when I get the skin :)
He'll just generally walk around and play music


Magus of Nothing
My alt, alexn27, plays a small woodwind instrument of Halfling make. He also sings upon occasion.


The original mute
Are your characters actual musicians, or just people who sing and play for the fun of it.


Magus of Nothing
He does actually play to try and earn money. The Alteran's normally don't pay much.


Are your characters actual musicians, or just people who sing and play for the fun of it.
Used to sing in Inn's.
I saw your other thread, Matyio.
Well, no one takes any notice of a singing dwarf, nor when he plays the flute. Y'dig?

Going back to it?
If you asked Gromm...he might.
But other then quitting some time ago, he just sings and plays for the fun of it right now.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
My character works in the entertainment industry, being the owner/manager of a gambling hall. That's his main job, even being mayor of the city comes second.

That may not be what you meant though by entertainment industry, and if so, ignore this post.


The original mute
My character works in the entertainment industry, being the owner/manager of a gambling hall. That's his main job, even being mayor of the city comes second.

That may not be what you meant though by entertainment industry, and if so, ignore this post.
Yah not what I meant.