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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

The Fjellvar - Subculture Suggestion


The Fjellvar
The Nordic Elves of the Highgard Mountains
A small minority of High Elves long ago began to take on a different outlook on the world; a more spiritual one. These High Elves, persecuted for their belief in the Spirits and the condemnation of the arts of magic (believing it to be an unjust manipulation of the Spirits’ souls), sought out a new place to call home. They journeyed long, the roads hard, and many lost their lives to bandits and the condition of the climate. However, the small minority finally managed to make it's way to it's new home, and eventually formed the Kingdom of Highgard; a small Kingdom nestled in the Highgard Mountains, far to the North. They struggled quietly in their rough, cold and powerful environments. Years of cultural separation from their racial origin caused by the initial rift in secular beliefs and their new environment resulted in the High Elves of the Highgard Mountains to develop much differently from the rest of the High Elves. Over time, they developed their own dialect, and their own way of life. Strength and courage were honored above all else. The ability to deceive your opponents into failing on their own dominated their darkened style of humor.
Over time, the elves of the Highgard Mountains took to calling themselves the Fjellvar, after their first leader, King Fjellvar Baladan, named by the First Congregation. The Baladan line eventually evolved to be called the Balden dynasty, and expanded as the Kingdom expanded deeper into the mountains rather than outside of them. The Fjellvar believed that the protection the of the mountains was far more imperative than the sustenance available away from the harsh environment they had survived in for so long, living on farming Goats and using stone and pine wood for construction. Years after the death of Fjellvar III, the Jarl of Silhelm, began to associate with several High Elves who carried with them the knowledge of the history of the Fjellvar. He decided that through the use of High Elven magic, he would be capable of wresting the throne from the now infant King, Friloch.
This Jarl staged a coup, and only when the uncle of Friloch I revealed himself to have illegally studied the then forbidden art of magic and successfully used his abilities to negate the magical efforts of the High Elves did the Fjellvar realize the necessity of magic. They appointed each Jarl of Highgard a scholar and a mage, to help them against all threats magical or help them evaluate things of a magical interest. The Fjellvar began to view magic as a gift from the Spirits, rather than an abuse of their souls. The Zauber (Wizards) of each Jarl’s court were chosen from birth by each Jarl’s Pfarrer, which are priests and vassals of the spirits. This symbiosis between the Pfarrer’s and the Zauber sustained for many years.
The strong belief in the protection their mountains offered them almost brought their demise. When they heard of the corruption seeping upwards, they refused to leave, believing that the Spirits of the Mountains would protect them. Soon, parts of the Kingdom began to feel the full force of the corruption, and the Fjellvar convened in a Second Congregation. Where the First Congregation had decided their first King long ago, the Second agreed that remaining in Highgard would only bring their people to ruin. They ventured swiftly as they could through the rough terrain, which was swifter than most people would be able to considering their affinity to the rocky and snow-coated mountains. However, their distance from the portal to the New World and their difficulty adapting to travel in other climates slowed them greatly, almost to a complete stop. Many groups managed to make it to the portal and through, but the majority of the Fjellvar fell to the corruption in a land not their own.
The Fjellvar were the last to come through the portal, and the came through with the least of people. Yet still those of them lest stand strong, and still they persevere.
-- Malythil and HappyShackles
It is our belief that this server has a great deal of potential and a remarkable and beautiful playerbase. This race offers an opportunity for those who wish to spark up more roleplay to jump out of the apparent rut it seems to be in at the moment. The potential for very complex anti-heroes and villains to be produced from this race, as well as heroes and neutral characters, is remarkably high due to the dynamic nature of their progression through history. Thank you for reading, and we hope to see our subculture accepted in the future. Please feel free to discuss any suggestions or necessary alterations you perceive, regardless of your status as a player or staff member. All suggestions and criticisms are appreciate so long as they are maturely presented.

What follows is a list of members that have pledged to apply to Hollowworld for the sake of joining the Fjellvar, as well as others who have expressed interest in joining them. Any who desire to add their name to the list, please express your interest below.

1) HappyShackles​
2) Roxses​
3) Rhisereld​
4) Malythil​
5) Susitsu​
6) AlphaCentaurus​
7) GrimReaper98​
8) DefunctDivine​


The Watcher
Interesting to say the least, and as stated this is a sub-culture of a race so no real permission is needed to be able to effectively play as these. It's like playing a human paladin or a human bandit, each is of the same race with it's own set of morals and beliefs.

Hope that clears up any and all worries you had/have.


Realistically, the physical adaptations of the Fjellvar might warrant the necessity to call them a 'subrace' as well as a part of a 'subculture.' Not to mention their historical origin being very unique to them. I will leave it up to the lore team to decipher it, but going on what the previous poster said, I believe my suggestion has been accepted.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Already gotten my suggestions in teamspeak :)

But I would also say this is more of a sub-race of elves then a subculture. Mainly because of how the difference of environments for all those years would have changed their physical appearance, talking to you, you have expressed how these are basically nordic elves (as an example) while high elves are more upperclass and city like.


I agree, hence post #3:

"Realistically, the physical adaptations of the Fjellvar might warrant the necessity to call them a 'subrace' as well as a part of a 'subculture.' Not to mention their historical origin being very unique to them. I will leave it up to the lore team to decipher it, but going on what the previous poster said, I believe my suggestion has been accepted."

However, I am incapable of editing the title to the thread.