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The GRAND item value Census!


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
Here's how this is gonna go. The economy is mad messed up and in my opinion its because no one knows what things are worth. So lets figure it out TOGETHER!

Below is a list if EVERYTHING. every item in the game. what I'm asking is simple. Copy/paste it and put what you think the item is worth!

Simple, and a lot of effort, I know..
This info will help everyone. with it we can set our shops at a reasonable or competitive price, and not get ripped off when buying. The list is set into categories like the creative menu. We ask what you would pay (must be at minimum 1r) For a single item and a stack (if possible, if not leave blank or put an X) Oh and I included the 1.8 items also. Feel free to put what you WILL be willing to pay after the conversion.

I understand there are lots of items that are RP items with there own IC value. But this is (for now) Focusing on normal items.​

I know its alot, your welcome to just to one of the category!
all data we can collect will help!

  • Item that's named - Single price [1r] - Stack price [1r]​
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Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff


Lord of Altera
I'll set one up for you, take me only a few minutes.

Okay. All set up, anyone can edit the document, but please do not edit anything but the b column. I spent a good two hours setting it up and I'd hope no one would destroy it. (i got a log too so... hehe)

Anywho, put a price you think would be good for each of the objects in the B column. Any item that has a double dash is unobtainable by players. The items with a question mark I am unsure if they are unobtainable.
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Lord of Altera
Actually, the economy at the moment is the best I ever seen it over the course of a year and two months here.

Not havering a set price for something, promotes competition among the sellers and I'm not too sure if creating something like this would help or hinder it.

The main reason why people don't buy items is because they can go out and get it themselves (unless it's in bulk they may be tempted) and people use them to buy Noble Plots which takes currency out of circulation
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Non sum qualis eram
To save Legion another post,

The economic "worth" of something is exactly what you would be willing to pay to acquire it.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
If you don't want to pay 100r dia but know its worth 200 than put 200.

Thats' what I mean.
right but see this makes no sense.
There is no inherent "value" to a diamond- its worth what an individual is willing to give up in exchange for it. This means that the value of a good or service is different for each person. (This is known as subjective value theorem and is the basis for gains from trade in situations where no one has a comparative advantage).
So if Im willing to pay 100 r and no more than that, then that is how much it is worth to me, and even if the rest of you disgaree its no less valid.


Dead Man Walking
Items can have an average value, or worth. A market value, if you wish. While what any one person will pay for an item will vary, the average value of an item will stay fairly consistant.

So I'll put what I think the item is worth on average and not what I would pay for it. I think that's what Bal was really getting at. Because, really, if I wanted to buy smart, I would only pay less than what I thought it was worth on average.


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
Items can have an average value, or worth. A market value, if you wish. While what any one person will pay for an item will vary, the average value of an item will stay fairly consistant.

So I'll put what I think the item is worth on average and not what I would pay for it. I think that's what Bal was really getting at. Because, really, if I wanted to buy smart, I would only pay less than what I thought it was worth on average.


Lord of Altera
*Looks at numbers, looks at chests of hoarded stuff....*

Hrmm I think I need to start selling...


I think it is a good idea for players, especially new players, to have a general idea of what items have been going for in the past. Nobody wants to see new players get ripped off. This is mainly why I keep records of my transactions, forum offerings, and deals I witness. My recordkeeping obviously isn't perfect, but I have a google doc with deals dating back almost a year.

I think the average of what people think an item's market value is is quite a bit different than the average of historical deals, and quite honestly I'd be more interested in historical deals data. Right now that information is private, but I have plans to release what I have to people in the future. Truth be told, I have previously talked to bal about creating a thread based off the data I've collected and I'm a bit surprised to see this thread.

As for the lack of distinction between what people think things are worth and what they would pay to get it, I think we're being too picky about terminology. Let's not get all tied up over this. Truth be told, you can understand a concept without mastery of terminology, so picking on somebody who uses incorrect terminology is a bit unnecessary if you ask me. Bal is after what people think the market value is for each item. That is different than what people would pay for each item.


Lord of Altera
I'm glad this is being done, as a new player who has a thing for farming and hoarding. I asked if something like this existed before I went away for xmas and nothing did, so this will be a massive help.


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
I think it is a good idea for players, especially new players, to have a general idea of what items have been going for in the past. Nobody wants to see new players get ripped off. This is mainly why I keep records of my transactions, forum offerings, and deals I witness. My recordkeeping obviously isn't perfect, but I have a google doc with deals dating back almost a year.

I think the average of what people think an item's market value is is quite a bit different than the average of historical deals, and quite honestly I'd be more interested in historical deals data. Right now that information is private, but I have plans to release what I have to people in the future. Truth be told, I have previously talked to bal about creating a thread based off the data I've collected and I'm a bit surprised to see this thread.

As for the lack of distinction between what people think things are worth and what they would pay to get it, I think we're being too picky about terminology. Let's not get all tied up over this. Truth be told, you can understand a concept without mastery of terminology, so picking on somebody who uses incorrect terminology is a bit unnecessary if you ask me. Bal is after what people think the market value is for each item. That is different than what people would pay for each item.
Way I figure this is a good place to start as any. We had a long talk in ooc the other night and said we should start a thread. Wa-la here it is.
We can see what items most people agree on price wise and put out shops and see how they do. Your data will still be useful as provable, where this is more... theory I guess.