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The Mines of Margareth


Minecraft Username:

Name of Project:
Entrace to the Mines of MaLgareth ^^

Location of Project:
next to the town of Malgareth
on the other side of the bridge

Size of the project:
20 stairs down, then a 7x4x6 room with a combination lock with a 20x16x16 room for the redstone next to it, and then an automated minecart track down to an entrace hall.

Intention of the project:
It's the official entrace to the town's mine. Of course it is not only meant for town residents. As I already wrote, it comprises a combination lock, a minecart track and an entrace hall. The lock's code will have 4 digits with possible numbers from 1-9. All in all I think the system is very solid. It's bug free and very user friendly.

Reason for inability to claim plots personally:
Although this project doesn't take up much space, I would have to buy 6 or 7 plots. I'm not a good trader and my town is a little short on money too at the moment.



Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld?
I think it would be something new. Also it may alter the sense of community as it highlightens mining as an collective act.

Used materials:
Stone bricks, rails, redstone, dirt

mines of moria partly

RP explanation/introduction:
Just like every other town, Malgareth started small. But although there was the intention to expand the town, this plan was prevented by the lack of building materials. A very common problem with a common solution: Mining.
But it seemed, they dug too deep and too greedily. One day miner after miner started to dissapear. Roars and screams echoed through the tunnels, getting louder and more dire every day. People started avoiding the mine, frightened to death. Rumours about creatures from another world were spreading. Creatures of rotten flesh, lacking the ability to think or feel, still, in an abhorrent way, resembling men.
After abandoning the mines, the noises still got louder, soon hearable in the whole town and surrounding areas. And then, one night, the horror reached its peak, when the creatures, the source of these terrifying noises, left the darkness of the mine in a desperate attempt to sate their desire for human flesh, showing themselves in all their monstrosity.
This was, when the town inhabitants came to the conclusion, there was only one way to deal with this problem. They closed all entraces to the mine, but one, which was locked for all non-intelligent beings.
All these events are now passed long ago. The monsters have gone. Noone knows where they've come from and noone knows for sure where they have gone by now. They most likely devoured themselves during the absence of human prey. The mine's main entrace now was rediscovered and rebuilt in remebrance.

To be true, I've already built the combination lock once on another server. Here is a screenshot of the interface, I've alread posted in my application thread.

Since one can place dirt, redstone dust and redstone torches in wilderness, I already finished the combination lock (a big part of the project) except for the repeaters. Here's a little screenie.

Links to previous work: (This can be either on hollowworld or other places. This is important, i expect some links.)
Again, a screenshot from my application thread.


<3 Hollow World
I'm going to have to say no to this. Special build permission isn't because "we're a bit short of money, what the hell lets try and get special build permission". It's not a source of funding, it's for builds which are unique and will add to the server, this town is very new - I'd rather give you the chance to establish yourself before granting any sort of special build permission for what appears to just be an excuse for a redstone lock.

You don't speak of anything to do with how you'd make it look, redstone is ugly, the screenshot you show is ugly, special build permission for a boxy ugly room? Not going to happen.

However seems like this hasn't been thought through. If you want to get special build permission for this I suggest you start speaking to an architect and try to come up with a theme/design for the entrance - THEN you'd stand a chance.

6 or 7 plots is 4 residents, that's not a lot and frankly only 35,000 rads maximum which can be gained fairly quickly by people working together and questing or trading.