Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

The Rising of Pestilence


Lord of Altera
As you walk along the roads outside of Port Silver, you can hear a group of crows squawking. A small crowd of people huddle around the scene as you walk nearby, a nauseating smell fills your nostrils as you go closer to investigate.

A corpse lies on the road ahead, the body mangled and mutilated. You look closer and observe the corpse. The corpse looks to be Earthspawn, his tusks have been snapped in half and stabbed into it's eyes. His mouth hangs wide with horror as many cuts and holes
his body. You go look at his chest and see a symbol carved into his chest .

The bloodied handprint is surrounded by words, things like "The plagued shall rise" and "Chaos ensures". Looking down you see that his pants have been torn, only covering his crouch. More slash marks and bite-marks litter the lower part of his body, his feet have been completely chewed off by something. You stand back and look at this corpse, a person stepping out of the crowd and walking towards the corpse. "Stand back folks!" He sighs as he leans over, listening to the stomach of the corpse. The man steps back as he points to the corpse. "Rats plague this corpse, I can hear them!" As he shouts the stomach explodes in a flurry of red and black. 10's of hundreds of rats burst out of his stomach, scurrying in all directions. The whole crowd recoils in horror as the rats all run away, only leaving a bloodied journal in the hole of the corpse.
((Rp all you want, This is an intro to bring one of my characters back, so Investigate!))


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
(Most respected and admired Grimmy, no longer is the tent camp even traveled to, currently we mostly RP in Port Silver by the Pub.)