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The Songs of Altera

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Hollows Explorer
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on lately, but I had a lot of exams recently. Anyway, so, this is a thread I had the idea for while writing my RP character (Darikath Shadowblood)'s backstory. I literally forged him completely out of music. If you have any songs that inspired you for your character, or you think just sound like a song that goes with them, share it here! Here are a few of mine.
*Inside the fire has some very disturbing content, including a girl hanging herself, and some parts of the song are performed covered in blood. The first version I post is the original, and the second has the dark themes cut out. I strongly recommend that anyone under the age of 15 watch the clean version. I will not be held responsible for:
•It's based on a true event from the lead singers life.

[EDIT] I removed the uncut version. I just decided it was too dark.
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