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Thea_Paronell's unban appeal, third strike.

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Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
I would like to apologize for what I did, which was griefing the test boat of Malgareth. I'm sorry, Ninja_Kaboom, but as I told you, which i'm not completely sure you heard me from the OOC chatter, we had a new design and I was going to build it, meaning you or I had to destroy it. I'm sorry, not making an excuse for my behavior, this is totally my fault. Lars, Steel, Halfmad, I let you down again. I'm ashamed, I did something bad after I was put on the last strike. I hope, I beg, that you can forgive me of this, but not of the choice for unban. It's been a really fun time with you all, and I wish you a prosperous time.


You destroyed his ship because you were building another design?

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
Yes, his ship was a prototype for our decision on what boat to use. As it's at the edge of the mountains, limited space.


I think I might like it here
No! no! no! darth let me build it as u never build anything! u never said u were going to destroy it!


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Thea, Its Christmas Eve. I will feel bad banning any long time player right before Christmas. But.. this is your final chance. Next time any Moderator or Admin finds it reasonable to ban you then I will not intervene.


Moderating the herps & derps
Agreed with Cherbert on this. So that means minding ur word use towards staff aswell Thea, ur a great person on the server id would be a shame losing u.
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