Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!


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1. What is your minecraft username?theblackprime

2. How old are you?13

3. What gender are you?Male

4. What country do you live in?Estonia

5a. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before logging onto the server?Yes i have read and accept

5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game?Yes i agree,And will consult them

6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction.
Nickname/Alias:Adrian Eregan
Identifying Marks:long ears
Appearance:big strong legs and long hands
Strengths:speed and stability
Weaknesses and fears:dwarfs
Religion and cults:Korigon
I am a godly elf from the forests of Risugeria, I lived there with my wife and two kids. One day our forrest was burned by dwarfes. I escaped with my children but my wife... she was left behind. When we got out of the forrest the dwarfes had already blocked the way and one of my children was taken. Then we made it to Riverwood where a villager said Alterea is the only way to go. So we set sail over the seas and bought a horse from the money that we earned from me playing the fiddle and my son singing. By then we had almost forgot about my daughter, she had the voice of an angel and the curly hair of the devil...
So we were almost at Alterea when a strange man offered help to find my daughter. We went into his coffe shop and out of no where there came a pair of rather strange arms, and my son was taken and now i´m here at the borderlands of Alterea and I plan of coming in here gather some supplies and get my son and daughter back!
7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.

I am 13 years old as I already said and Im also from estonia , I play the guitar and a little bit of piano and fiddle and I like gaming and redditing.
I like pewdiepie, tobuscus , antvenom,sparklypants,and all of the minecrafters!!!!
I also play tf2 , terraria ,mw3, bf3 and other games (i love amnesia!!!)
I ´´d like to be a part of your community because I have always looked for a server that´s peaceful and without griefing(I didn´t mean peaceful by difficulty but just no griefing at least not in northern kingdom)
I kinda consider myself as an artist but I am not really that great of an artist :D
and what more.. I like cookies and cupcakes if thats important:D
and yeah I really like rpg servers :D

8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.I do draw for fun sometimes and some of my friend tell me that my drawrings are quite good but i don´t have a scanner to scan them in so.. I think that countś as a no , sorry :(

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?Well in my country English is not the native language so I might have a few typoś but other than that , no.

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?Yes i agree and will never use black magic of any sort!

11. How did you find out about our server?Flyzerzone invited

12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here)Yes i have and will vote every day for money!

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Hi, there are a few issues we need to fix aright?

First you should really make your question 6 longer, we don't want to see your characters background but his personality

Second, your question 7 is lacking in several ways that need to be fixed, it needs to be longer and in paragraph form using full stops. (<---)

Thanks have a nice day :)

By the way the edit button is below your post but above mine.
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