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TheMaawaa , The Wanderer [Declined - Sally]

Did you like my story? (And application!)

  • yes! it was very enteraining!

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No! You're a piece of monkeydoodlez!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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1. Themaawaa
2. My eyes have been opened for 16 springs. (16 years)
3. I'm a male.
4. Belgium
5a. Yes i have
5b. I do agree with the tome of citizenship and would be a good citizen.
5c. yes i will.

6. Sixteen years ago , in the old village of Thist, a little boy was born.
It wasn't easy growing up in Thist. The men were aggressive , and we soon learned that we needed the aggresion to stand out and survive. As themaawaa grew older , he found himself getting more powerful. But sadly ,the boy wasn't satisfied with just people fearing him , instead it made him feel unhappy! Once when the boy reached an age of eight , the village got attacked. The king has died , and now every town was on its own , raiding whatever they could! Our little boy was in the forest , making a staff. He was preparing himself to learn the white magics , to ressurect the king. looking for a tutor. But once he came back to the village , there was no 'village' anymore. He got banished for using magic!
The young boy felt sad , very sad. He went wandering in the woads. He trained himself in the white powers first. Learning how to heal and ressurect people. However , he failed to manage to ressurect someone. He kept trying , and trying , but he only made himself mad. After lots and lots of time he found a dog, he managed to ressurect a dog. The dog was only made with bones , he's fur vanished and suddently flueds and fireworks flew around the young boy. He transformed into something with fur , and still looks human. I guess they call it an ape these days. But not just an ape. He's immortal by this 'disease'. As a punishment for his failure , he's now wandering the woads with his skeleton dog. He has simple tasks , to find a town and a cure for his disease, so finally he could become his own old self.

7. I'm maarten . I'm very interested in world war II , and have been to poland to visit Aushwitz I and Aushwitz - Birckenhau , Also been to several other detetion camps and slaugtering camps. I am autistic , however i'm very intelligent , except on real talking to other human species. (Damn you humans!) I love humor. I'm a big animal friend and my favorite animal is a shark. (Whaleshark to be exact.) I love gaming and reading , and Lia Marie johnson to! :p

I love lacrosse and badminton.

Just sport overall , however i am very competitve.

8. I wrote for a magazine about aushwitz. My main dream is to become a writer and currently i'm writing in contests (Didn't really won but was always a mentionable winner)

9 Not really , but i'll put my favorite quote though.
'One doesn't have a sense of humor. It has you.” - Larry halbert

10. Yes i am , Black magic should be banned !




Lord of Altera
Okay. I'm going to decline this for a few reasons
Polls. Do not make polls on Applications, they don't change anything cept annoying people. They are pointless.

Concerning your answer to 6. Read this:

We have our own world, our own lore, and we're very strict on magic (because everyone overpowers to the point of stupid) and I'm afraid that we don't have Ape people. Even if it's magic made, it's just.. no.

Also read this:
And this:
And this:
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