Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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There are no walls around red haven!! :O


Legend of Altera
Hello as you all know there has been attacks on altera by queen greif an there have been monsters suck as zombies spiders skelitons attacking all the towns. but red haven doesnt evan have any walls to protect itself
so i ask you people of altera please give me the privileged to make a wall around red haven so th constant attacks on this fair town stop an we may build it in peace if i get this privledge to build around it i will contact the online admin i have finished and i will return to my radient rank.
Thank you for your time i hope you have a nice day may the blind queen watch over you

p.s i made this like a medevalish note from my rp character not from e but please i was asked to build this around the town by assistant mayor ninja_t3dd9 to build this an mae the attacks on red haven stop.
sorry if my grammer burns your eyes :oops: I'm sorry if i suck at typing


If I give you permission to build a wall outside your town to protect yourself, then players will simply grief it. Other towns claim plots for their wall, I don't see why you shouldn't.


Legend of Altera
well thats what were planing now i made this before they changed there mind an told me about it :p well i asked an i makes me feel good to ask sometimes


Legend of Altera
o an lars just wanna let you know my bday in on the 18th of feb whitch in my tiime 10+ gmt its 6 days


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lars, I am the temporary Mayor of the town until Kaies returns, and as such I would like to help Vanar building this wall. As would NiNja_T3DD9. The reason that we would like to build in the wild is because Kaies has built a LOT of things in the wilderness, as he is admin. We do not have the population to claim that many plots as of now.


Kaies was never allowed to build it in the wild in the first place, everyone should play legit as other players. Others have to claim the plots, and so should you. And so should I for that matter, I have my own town.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh okay then. Well if you ahve ever visited Red haven then you will see exactly How much is in the wild...


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey ikbenlars. The problem is that too many people are dying because mobs are getting into the town, so we just wanted to make a wall so that it can stop. We have started getting more players to help build up a town, but its just not enough so far. (How do I buy a plot??) Anyway any help from you would be appreciated. Sorry for any problems we have caused, we are only cleaning up dirty work.