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Things that could change your character forever...


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
For example: My first character, shortly after being made, went insane. He went insane because he was making hats in a village. The old-school way of making hats involved Mercury, and having to breath that in. So, my character went insane.

I was wondering if anyone has ever done something like this to there character, and how it affected them.

Love, BLarg the Diplomatic


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Um, Blarg, you don't go insane from mercury poisoning, but it could kill you!! :D
Causes hallucinations, things of that nature. If not Mercury poisoning, then something else that they used to make hats... But I'm almost certain its mercury that made them go mad.


Lord of Altera
My first character became unwillingly a vampire and slowly began to discover that this brought an insanity with it, causing him to talk to the evil spirit inside him which nobody could hear.

He was a mess of a character so I made him die.


Lord of Altera
My character is currently going through one such a change, half of his soul was trapped long ago in a black crystal rose (Which many of you may have seen.) And having not had a complete soul he was different, but now once it's finished and the two pieces are whole he'll be complete and different then before, though in a good way so don't worry Its. :p

And it's not a huge change... But he will be a bit more... insane, and open... and don't worry, you will notice the change more then most people Its. ;)


The Ghost of Altera
my character used to be only interested in money. But has come around after he was tortured in bane. My character is trying to put things right which is different to the arrogant lord he once was