Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I think I might like it here
How do you roleplay the quick time change in Minecraft?? It goes by so fast, it seems like I can have whole conversations in a day!


I think I might like it here
There is no way as of my knowledge. It should just been ignored. It happens to everyone, Its Notch's timelapse to HollowWorld


Lord of Altera
I just use IRL days as a way of keeping track of time.. as in, someone comes into my shop on tuesday, and i see them wednesdays, I'll bring up something about them being in the story yesterday.
and everyone seems to be fine with that..
So.. Meep. Just ignore the time shift in the game, basically :3


Magus of Nothing
I treat it the same way as Valcust.. Anyway, a thread like this comes along every month, just do it the way you think best.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... But there's no, like, definite thing. What if it's 4:00PM RL, and it's night IG? And somone says some remark about it being dark. Or, worse, it's the morn where you live, and it's in the middle of the night where the other person lives? :\


I think I might like it here
Valcust's method is probably the most common method used within the server. As I use it aswell :3

Eric V

Legend of Altera
I just pretend I'm a magician, and I can make it whatever time I want it to be, but when I go "Alacazam! you are now dead" people tend to walk away and won't speak to me anymore D:

Edit* *troll face*