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Tongoy Forest


Magus of Nothing
Minecraft Username: jakp25
Name of Project: Tongoy Forest

Location of Project: Linked at bottom of post.

Size of the project: It covers a large area as shown on the map. However this area is not currently in use but is just ocean.
Intention of the project: A large forest that contains lots of trees. I plan for it to be used as a quest hub or something similar.

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: It is unrealistic for me to claim these plots as I am only a Villager and that I have no money as I give all of it to my town.

Residents: Possible residents include any wood-elves ents and any other tree-living folk.

Builders: I currently have no helpers but I am sure many would like to help

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? It will be useful as a quest-hub or an RP-Event location. As a large forest I may make a couple of ruined temples or small huts and villages on the ground.

Used materials: Logs will be used alot and so will leaves. I may need some stone type materials such as cobblestone, moss stone and stone bricks for the aforementioned ruined temples.

Inspiration: The map Canopy Carnage is my sole inspiration for this project. If you wish to see it look here.

RP explanation/introduction:

Tongoy is thought to have been blessed by Shlaherana to grow better than any other forest. This is where its huge trees and other wildlife gained their strengths. The wildlife in Tongoy is large and wild and not much light manages to reach through the thick leaves that form the canopy. No intelligent races lived here until the two tribes of wood-elves, Bosmer and Walapai, arrived in this forest. These tribes went their seperate ways and were mutated by the ever-growing forest. The ruins that are found within this forest were placed their as shelter for the beasts that live there. It is also rumoured that she placed treasures in the deepest caverns of these ruins.

Planning: There are a couple of screenshots at the bottom. They were too large to post here.

Links to previous work: I havent done any large building projects before.



<3 Hollow World
Way too large an area of the map for my liking mate, I'm also not a huge fan of how the trees look if I'm honest. I don't se it being used a huge amount either. It'd take you forever to cover that area with trees like that. i'd must rather see existing land used, we have plenty of it after all.

See what other kings/queens think though, just my opinion.


Magus of Nothing
Ok, well I wasnt sure how big it would be and I wasnt really planning to cover up the whole area myself. If Ic ould make about ten or so good trees then the admins could worldedit them in? Im not to concerned abuot this being accepted as I'm quite busy now but it is isomething I may like to do in the furture


<3 Hollow World
As far as I'm aware everything on HW has to be build on HW, no downloading schematics and importing them from PMC etc.


<3 Hollow World
The concept is ok but tbh we're already planning something similar for flatlands :p

You'd have to apply like Jak though ;)


Lord of Altera
i don't want to build it! :p I'm already busy with my road work and saline creek, it was just an idea ;)


Resigned Admin
I'm hoping to add a forest of abnormally large trees to the region that Lars and I have planned. Perhaps this could be incorporated in my region?

Oh, and talk to Moochick about her tree plans. She has a gigantic tree planned as well as several smaller (but still large) trees surrounding it. She'll be demanding on how they look so you'll have to let her design the trees, but she'll probably let you join her. I'm really not sure about that though, ask her.


Lord of Altera
As an Ent in RP I think its a great idea (I have already heard and know of tongoy forst) It'd be a great place for me to RP.