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Tuwits unban request - appeal accepted (Halfmad)

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Tuwit Estevez

Lord of Altera
Please un-ban me i promise i will never leave a tree the way i left it also i believe that tree i cut badly was from some time ago it was before you starting banning people because as soon as you started i went back and finished cutting all the other trees that i left incomplete please un-ban me and ill promise ill be a better citizen.

Please your Majesty
sincerely Tuwit

Tuwit Estevez

Lord of Altera
okay thank you but they unbanned me and banned me again the reason is: wait for it to finish but last time i was banned until 20:24 GTM of today and now I am banned until tomorrow can you help me please


<3 Hollow World
It was adjusted to 23 hours by roopot when he changed the reason.

I'm accepting your appeal and unbanning you - However this is strike 1 of 3, the 3rd one is always permanent so please be more careful.

Thanks for putting in a decent apeal though Tuwit - it is appreciated.

please wait until it has finished roopot 2011-12-13 21:12:04 2011-12-14 20:12:04


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
The original ban was supposed to be 24 hours but it wasnt entered into the ban syntax properly....
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