Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Utah_Boy25 - Applications [Declined - Sally]

Am I accepted?

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    Votes: 3 100.0%

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1. Utah_Boy25

2. I'd perfer not to share

3. Male

4. USA
5a. Yes

5b. Yes
6.My name is Noah the Enderman Hunter, for years i have traveled in search of the End ,A place where the Enderman are Born, and where thier leader resides, the Enderdragon, a large dragon with crystals that power it. Through my studies I have learned once I get there my first objective will be to destroy the Enderdragon and it's crystals...
7. My name is Noah I am kind os a nerd especially when it comes to gaming. Some of my hobbies are Robotics, Archery, gaming, and practicing redstone. Not a lot more to say about myself.

8. A skin
9. Nope.
10. Yes.
11. Forums.
12 I tried to but it wouldn't let me.



sorry not very good with creating unless you want a texture pack that has pink chickens or something otherwise I'd ask someone else

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Utah, you need to add all the question, id recommend bolding them and spacing them from your answers to make it easier to read.

Second your question 6, way to short, also make sure you write more about the personality of your person, rather then what they want to do/ who they want to be.

Third, your question 7 is under the 8 sentence minimum requirements, please edit and fix that.

Fourth, you NEED to supply your age, its required, simple as that.

Ok well that should be all you need to do for now. Oh you should avoid assassin/village burned down/revenge stories as we get them all the time, and they make for bad role-plays.

Thanks have a nice day :)

If your looking for the edit button, its below your post but above mine.


Lord of Altera
I'm sorry but if you can't put effort into your application, I wont help you. If you had looked at other applications (especially approved ones) then you'd see you should've kept the questions in at least.

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