Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Valcust's Application [Declined - Mrsidgen]

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Lord of Altera
Minecraft username: valcust (Not capitalized in game)

Age of player: 18

Gender: Male

Country of operation: America (California)

Yes, I have read and agree to all rules, regulations, and am also very thankful you've provided a beginner's survival guide for such a unique and interesting server, I am currently in the process of reading said guide.

Hello farlands of Altera! Allow me to introduce myself: I have come to be called Valcust, and I am no more than a simple merchant and explorer seeking to stumble upon wondrous fortunes amongst the sprawling lands of your kingdom! Many of my fellow travelers have told me great things about your kingdom; how plentiful even the most basic of necessities are, how one is never bound to any sort path, and I believe the true taste of freedom lies within your boundaries! I would be pleased; nay, I would be honored to be allowed to step foot within your state.
Yours truly- Valcust Sajek Alkam
Post Script: If you do chose to deny my entry into your kingdom, I ask that you immediately destroy this letter. And please, out of the kindness of your hearts, do not speak a word of my name to anyone of the slave trade. My own safety relies on your actions from the moment you read this letter, I pray that whomever is reading this is a kind and gentle soul.

Hey! This is Valcust's player, Temoc. I've stumbled upon your server from a simple google search, which was brought forth from the aching, nagging, annoying search for a serious but still fun minecraft server to play on (it's so hard to find one these days..)
I must say, your server seems to be the most unique and fun thing I've ever seen anyone do with a minecraft server, almost transforming it into a completely new game!
As far as role-playing goes, I won't lie, I am fairly new to the genre, and have only been playing RP games for the past month or so. I am, however, known to be dedicated and accurate when playing, being sure to never break character.
Surprisingly, Valcust has stayed with me as a character no matter which game I am participating in, so be assured that I am VERY familiar with his character.
Minecraft, however, I have been with since alpha 1.4. So no need to tediously teach me of any of the game's standard mechanics, as I am a near expert in playing the game itself. (I am very useful with redstone, as well!)
My hobbies (other than minecraft) include: Airsoft, Cosplay, and of course gaming!
Though, I digress.
I would absolutely love to be a member of this wonderful community you've got up and running, and would be proud to call myself (and Valcust) an Alterian!

My apologies, as I do play on an MAC computer, and therefore am unable to take screenshots. (I'm not very handy with real computers, which may also be a plus, as I am unable to use mods, even if I wanted to, due to my lack of programming knowledge ._.)

As far as further information, I have a simple question: Are fantasy based characters allowed within your server in the form of skins? Of course, robots and any sort of futuristic or modern fictionalization is completely out of the question, though I do have a simple fact to confess: Valcust is a 'furry' character.
The skin I use is of my own construction, and does not use any sort of wild coloring, only relying on tans, browns, and a bit of white.
I do have in my possession two Valcust skins: A bare-fur skin, which relies on in-game armor to provide a clothing, and a clothed Valcust, complete with simple, brown cloth clothing.
If this character is out of the question, I may be able to construct a human skin, though I would much rather prefer to use Valcust's traditional skin.
It's how the character looks.

And yes, I am aware that black magic is completely against the laws of the king, though he need not worry about that, as Valcust's prior condition does not allow him to use any sort of magic. (And I'm terrible with computers T.T)

Oh! and I have not yet voted for your server as of yet, though I will be sure to as soon as I am reached with a response!

I thank you for your time, and greatly hope you consider Valcust for your whitelist!
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