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Vespermen, new race proposal


Legend of Altera
The Vespermen are a race of men that are half man half bat. They originated during the exodus, when the Queen tried to create bat-like creatures. However, when she casted a spell to first create one, two heroes tried to stop her. However, they only ended up interrupting her conjuration and mixing with the spell. The heroes luckily formed correctly with the spell, and turned into Vespermen. However, the process it took for them to develop and adjust to their new body took 3 days. Once they regained consciousness, they returned to their hometown in the New World, only to be banished for their looks. The two traveled together and had children, and their children infected others or bred with each other to preserve the species. Each one found a new life as either a courier to spread messages, rumors, or deliver secret plans to other kingdoms.Due to their ways of life they usually serve or worship Bilworth. Here are their strengths and weaknesses:
  • Longer and softer falls. due to their narrow, lightweight yet durable bones
  • Can hear things twice as far as humans
  • Increases stamina whenever they cause melee damage
  • Extra sensitive hearing, breaking glass, explosions, and fires cause damage to their ears
  • Can only eat fruit and meats
  • Stamina decreases faster when wearing iron and diamond armors
The Vespermen then formed a cave in the Tundras of Altera, where nearly all of them live now. They have a society formed out of chronological power. Those who were Vespers before you have a higher ranking and more social influence than you. However, this also means that almost every Vesper will become a noble in his/her's lifetime. This also applies in how they live. Older Vespers live at the top of the cave while the young ones have to live in the filth down at the bottom of the caves. This style of living teaches the important lesson to all the cavespawn that all Vespers are equal. The architectural style of vespers is a house that is partially exposed to the outside of a cave wall while the rest remains within. They connect to other houses with narrow walkways going across the cave's chasm and paths jutting out from the cave walls.Due to their sensitive eyes, they use redstone and lava to light their ways. Redstone is used in the more narrow areas and hallways, while lava is used in the main room of their houses. However, they also use brighter sources of light, only if they are dampened by water (sea what i did there?) and covered by glass. In the largest and most open part of the cave they have a massive glowstone, torch, and lava-ridden chandelier to light the ways of the nobility, and the merchants in the middle. however, the Vespers at the bottom almost never get to see the light due to their positioning.​
Vespers must be good at engineering, farming, or making traps to survive in a cave for the majority of their lives. Farmers are critical to society because they must provide food for the whole colony and pumpkins to protect themselves from bright light with. Engineers are required to make sure that the light fixtures and systems stay in top condition or else the Vespers could not see or would be blinded, and headgear to protect them from light. Lastly, trappers are needed to catch food on the surface or intruders underground.​
The social life of a Vesper is important to their life in the cave. As stated earlier, every healthy Vesper will live to be on the top, but not all will be on the very top or have children that will prosper, so social relations are a necessity for them. They do not marry, although they have a similar social interaction. Every Vesper must mate with at most 7 female or male Vespers. When the Mating Vesper mates with however many they mate with, the one that gives them the best physical and psychological traits in their spawn is the one that they stay with and mate with multiple times.​
Once a Vesper grows old, which is around 180 (60 for a human), they join the Elders. In the elders, a Vesper becomes either one of the Elder Scribes, who record history and write books, the Elder Scholars, who teach the young Vespers in whatever art they were knowledged in, or the Elder Council, who make the executive decisions and military decisions for the cave. Elders get to choose between being a Scholar or Scribe, unless they are an Alpha. Alpha Vespers are the only Vespers who choose their paths in life and they have the option to venture to the surface. They are of the upmost physical and mental shape, and Alpha Elders go into the Elder Council. The other three classes of Vespers are Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Betas are the Vespers that are both physically and mentally skilled, and have every privilege as the Alphas except for joining the Elder Council. Gammas are Vespers that are only skilled in one way. They are the ones most likely to join military forces or be exiled to the surface because of them reverting to a life of crime. And finally, Epsilons are mentally/physically deficient Vespers. They only live 30 years due to their strange mental and physical deficiencies. Their bodies are always donated to the Trappers to test new potions, poisons, and traps on.​
Last notes:​
  • Raw fish is the most common meal for the Vespermen due to its accessibility
  • They can be seen wearing pumpkins on their faces during daytime due to light sensitivity
  • They are black furred with white hair and red eyes, occasionally black hair
  • Clothing only includes tunics and shorts or pants, until they are Elders, who wear heavy clothing
  • Their ears are similar to elf ears
Thank you for considering my new race, the Vespermen!



Lord of Altera
This is a truly, great race idea... but don't go in expecting for it to be accepted... even though I have no doubt it will make it far... Hope to see them in-game!!!



I think I might like it here
I doubt you'll have any luck unfortunatly GG, races that attack other races are frowned upon in Altera.


Lord of Altera
Seems like it could use a bit of work..
And this seems a liiiitle close to those vampire thingies the admins kind of all but killed off not too long ago ._.
But, never give up hope!
Best of luck to ya!

Eric V

Legend of Altera
*does not support for multiple reasons*

As Valcust said, does seem INCREDIBLY close to the vyre

As Skeledude12 said, all races that attack have been slowly getting purged

As i now say, does not feel well thought out, seems like you saw the nakam and thought it was possible to write your own race in the hopes of it getting accepted, but the thing is Valcust spent well over a year building his lore and the things surrounding the Nakam, parts of this feel like they are slightly copied from that race, and not only that all of your weaknesses pertain to light and sound, light is only an issue during the day, at night your race has a major advantage, and to be honest, the concept of how they were created is......not well thought out, it feels like you threw it together in order to give a logical reason for them to exist, i don't remember Queen Grief ever having plans to create bat people, and not only that the Exudus was fairly recent, and you write this as if they have been around for (according with how advanced there society has become and the fact they have elders and a relatively sophisticated system) 1000 years or so, i feel it does not fit in the the lore, please put more thought into it and i will wholeheartedly support it.


Lord of Altera
Such as? i want this to go as far as i can make it :p
Take away anything that would give them an excessive upperhand, such as being faster or seeing excessively better
and take away anything that would significantly impact a person's RP experience, such as not going out in the day, or recruiting people to their race. (Eating meat is fine though, as the Nakam have something similar :p)
Also, try not to make this a "Recruiting others to their clan, club, race" thing, as admins REALLY don't like that, and for good reasons >.<
You want your race to be organic to the lore of the server already established, Not a cancer that grows through the server as they gather more players :/
If your race is good enough, people will come to you :D


Lord of Altera
I must say that i do not support this race as it stands, and some of this does feel like you got a bit from the Nakam..
But, I'm not one to accuse people of anything.
put more thought into it, and I'll be sure to give this reconsideration for support from the Nakam :3


I think I might like it here
The idea behind a character race in Altera is a lot like the way character races are handled in Dungeons and Dragons.

The most basic races are the human, elves, dwarves, halflings, ect. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses of course however when all things are considered no one race is better than another. When developing a race for Altera consider how your race in comparison to humans or elves. Are they stronger than dwarves? Are they faster than elves? Do they adapt more to their environments like humans? If you have one or more traits and less and less weaknesses then your character is OP.

Another thing to consider is how you will have to play your character. Again I come back to dungeons and dragons. While playing a character with an adversion to light may sound like fun to begin with, when you're in the thick of the game it can become a nuisance quickly. RP is exactly the same. A race's weaknesses in Atlera should be less environmental lest you be forced to become that permanently (ie. Mermaids can't leave water).

Imagine well in advance how this race will live in the world of minecraft. While it maybe interesting to have bat people, how do they live? What would their homes look like? Are they an organized collective with a main settlement? Or are they a nomadic people who move from place to place? Less important than the previous points but remember the world we work with is minecraft and eventually you'll have to work it out.

Lastly, and this is a lot longer than I anticipated, imagine what your common RP would go like with an average player. if it breaks down to:

"Hello, scarey bat thing"

Then there's an issue. Altera is a land of peace away from the corruption, so races that disturb this peace are frowned upon.

Just some pointers ^^


Lord of Altera
Type up a better story for the vespermen race origination. Depending on how long the race of vespermen have existed, their society should be more or less sophisticated and organized. Don't give them the weakness in sunlight or of sound, since they're humanoid bats(but more human) then they balance out some of the bat weaknesses.

Keep trying.


Legend of Altera
Fitz said they don't know about adding any more races about a month ago, but i suppose that can't hurt.

EDIT: woa woa woa, verpermen?