Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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vipper465 [Declined - Sally]

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1. Minecraft Username: vipper465
Nickname: Xemnas
2. Age: 16
3. Gender: Male
4. Country: United Kingdom
5a. I agree and have read the Survival Guide
5b. If I have any questions I shall consult the Tome Of Citizenship and the Everything You Need To Know Page before asking questions in game.
6a. In-Character introduction: I am Xemnas The Feared, The Mighty, The Brave. Though my appearance may have a sort of, aura of darkness, I assure you I have controlled the darkness within me and only use my strength for good. I am a skilled fighter fit to protect even the largest of cities and fight in the bloodiest of wars. In some places they talk of a hero called Xemnas the Wise, speak stories of bravery and strength. Though In other places I am told to children before they sleep to scare them, to strike fear into their hearts, speaking the name Xemnas the The Seeker Of Darkness is a crime.

6b. Origin: I was born in a small community situated on a small island not seen on any maps. It was a quiet village and only a few fathers and sons were there to protect us, but I doubt even I today could've have protected the village from the darkness creeping closer. One day me and a few friends went to play in the caves on the coastal area of the village. As we ran through the winding stone corridors of the caves I suddenly realized I was split up from my friends, out of fear I began turning back, as I turned it felt like I had just ran head first into a brick wall. As I looked up I saw a man in a shrouded robe with a hood completely concealing his face. He began to speak to me, his voice deep and soul shattering but somehow almost comforting at the same time. He spoke of looming darkness and how I was chosen to wield this power. As a child of only 6 I did not fully understand but once he finished preaching of darkness and power, a huge sphere of darkness consumed the mysterious man. Once he was gone I could hear the faint tapping of my friends feet getting closer, they carried me home as I felt extremely weak. That night laying in my bed contemplating over what the man may have meant, but my train of thought was shattered by and scream of terror. As I looked out my window I saw a sphere not unlike the one the mysterious man used to disappear except this was huge, larger than the moon looming above our village and from it, nightmarish creatures poured from the "portal" and began to slaughter and consume everyone is the village as I look closer to my house I saw my father fighting them off while my mother hid behind him with a knife from the kitchen. That is when I saw my parents killed and consumed by darkness. I wanted to run and cry but something told me this was supposed to happen, suddenly my door blew off his hinges and the mysterious man stepped in with a group of the creatures close behind him, as if they were following him. One of the creature went to attack me but the man drew a sword and cut the creature down. The man lifted his hand towards me gesturing for me to take his hand, I wanted to attack the man but something inside me made me grab his hand. As I did the floor below me turned to darkness and I sunk into it until completely consumed. I began to fall into nothingness. Seconds felt like years. I blacked out. When I awoke I was on a bed in a old healers house. I felt strange. As I looked into a mirror parallel to the bed I noticed I was different, I was an adult. Millions of questions filled my mind, how long was I falling? Who am I? Who was that man. I then realized I was in armor, extremely evil looking armor. After I left the mans house I began to travel. Learning to control the dark urges within me.

7. Introduction To Community: My real name is Jake and I'm from the UK. I've always loved roleplaying games from Oblivion to Legend of Zelda. I'm an avid gamer, I love all sorts of games from Minecraft to Gta. I would love to become a part of the community because all the servers around now are PVP and Hungergames and just servers without a very good community. But this server appears different, combining my favorite genre and favorite game plus the great community this server looks like the best server I've ever seen and I would like to be a part of that!:)

7. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video: I'm sorry I do not really take pictures of any of my builds I'm afraid.

8. Use of Black Magic (Hacks): I am aware that "Black magic" Is forbidden and I hate the use of this because it takes the fun and challenge from the game.

9. How did you find out about this server?: I found out about the server from a friend who has also applied to be part of the server!

10. Have you voted for this server?: I have voted for the server!:)

Thanks for reading hope you accept me into the world of Altera!:)

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
To make it easier for mods and admins, I would add in the questions before the answers.
I really like your RolePlay introduction :)
I would like to see you in-game sometime, if you get accepted :)


Lord of Altera
Not to sure if I like that you basicly copied the start of kingdom hearts or not...
But your question seven needs to be eight sentences


Lord of Altera
I don't want to be mean about this but...

Originality: Good
Copying: Bad

Come up with a different RP introduction please, it's meant to show your creativity, not someone elses..
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