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War One: Alliances

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Lord of Altera
Since I can't go reading through every House section and thread, could house owners or members tell me whether or not they have an Unofficial alliance, getting assistance from friends or anything along those lines for War One in the Southern Wilds.

The only reason for this is to see how Alliances are going and how many Warriors the Houses might have for the war. Soooo no reason except I'm curious :D.

House Lonmar
Official Alliances:
UnOfficial Alliances:
Estimated Soldiers:

House Arduin
Official Alliances:
UnOfficial Alliances:
Estimated Soldiers:

House Arcturus
Official Alliances:
UnOfficial Alliances:
Estimated Soldiers:

House Hawklight
Official Alliances:
UnOfficial Alliances:
Estimated Soldiers:


Retired Staff
Or you send a pm to me and sally with the alliance. We promise not to make it public until an hour or two before the battle.
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