Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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White List Application - Palmer050 [Declined-Legion]

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After seeking revenge for the murder of his family, a weary traveller heads north in seek of a new start…

1. Minecraft username: Palmer050

2. Real name: Jordan Palmer

3. Age: 20

4. Gender: Male

5. Country: England

6. I have read and understood the Tome of Citizenship, I found it very informative. The rules and guidelines of play I feel are more than reasonable and I will not have any trouble following them. I am aware that the use of black magic is not allowed and is a banishable offence on this server, ignorance is not an excuse and I give my word not to indulge in such foul play.

7. As far as my thoughts on the roleplaying go, I think it adds a lot more depth to the world/server and I enjoy the escapism/immersion in the characters and towns. From what I gathered from the Tome of Citizenship, citizens are constantly in character which I feel is a nice touch to the server. I have had experience in other roleplaying servers and have enjoyed taking part in them and being a member of the community.

8. A little about me:
Well as you know, I’m Jordan Palmer, 20 years old. My main hobby is gaming, both competitive gaming and casual gaming. To give you more of an insight into things that I enjoy playing here is a few of my favourite games that I have played over the years: Zelda, Gears of War, Halo, AOE, XCOM and many more. I come from a small rural village in England known as Haxey and have lived here all my life. I am also interested in skateboarding and travelling. As you may have gathered I’m here as I would like to be part of Hollow World’s community and feel I would be able to fit in well with other players and add my personal touch to what already looks like a fantastic server. I currently have a national diploma in construction and have always been fascinated with architecture (probably the reason MC appeals to me so much) and I’m sure you will see this in my builds. I prefer the look and feel of older medieval structures and I would love to add to what you guys and gals have already put together and be a member of your community.

If there is anything else you would like to know the feel free to ask.
Thanks Palmer050:)

and ive voted!
i have no examples of structures that i have built in the past as the servers do not exist anymore.

i found out about this server through the minecraft server list

and i have voted.....again


Lord of Altera
thats only 3 of the 4 that need to be answered post them on your application and number them accordingly as well as the questions following them.
Ive answered all the questions! If your too stupid to be able to read the information i have given without each question before it, then this server isn't for me!
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