Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sorry for no questions am on my iPad


2. 13



5.I've already read it

6.I was a poor miners son minding my own business while mining we had been going for days and were laden down with diamonds and golds and all riches known to man when bandits came and made us pay tax we payed them and went on our way but they sneAked up behind and killed my father I ran and have been living off mining for the last 12 years I finally had enough money to get a boat to hollow world and I went there

7.I'm just a normal teenage boy I play quite a lot of mc but can't at the moment as my pc broke I Like sailing and I think I'm a good laugh Lolz

8. No but Im a decent builder


11. My friend headbudgie

10.Yes I have never used black magic and I wont start

12. No but when I like the server which I'm sure I will I will vote most days

Sorry if this looks crap the iPad makes it hard bye


The Lioness of Davia
Hello minecraftmatty13.
You have to put more effort in your application. There are different various things that need fixing:
1) Put the questions bolded above your answers.
2) The question n°6 asks for a lenghty in-character introduction-
3) The number 7 is not even close to the minimum.

I'm going to decline this directly because it needs some major changes. Feel free to apply again following the indications.
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