Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I can't put these questions in bold I'm sorry but my iPad won't let me





5.yes I will

6.I was a mining boys son my mother had died during a childbirth and I grew up with one parent we had been mining for years and just scraped by there was regular raids on our village and we had to hie for our lives one day we decided to leave the village so we went mining for 3 days straight and were laden down with gold diamonds and other riches we knew that we. Could move away from the village now we went to the market to sell our riches we sold it all and found we had 5 million radiantz we were rich we would never need to work again. When we were packed up and along the road bandits. Came they saw our money and demanded we gave it to them my dad declined and got stabbed they stole all our money but I managed to hide just enough to get a boat to altera I decided to make a new life doing whatever I wanted.

7. I'm a 13 year old boy from the uk I don't really like pvp servers but a friend recommend this server so I tried it I like playing sailing and volleyball I will make a lot of friends on the server and not become a bandit I hate pvp!!! Lol but I'll still play in the pvp areas I love playing cod on the Xbox and also play a bit of bf3 Sorry if this isn't long enough;(

8. No sorry


10.Yes I will not use black magic!

11. My friend headbudgie

12. I'm going to

Thanks for ure time sorry if there's spelling mistake iPad makes it difficult


Lord of Altera
Try typing up an application on the computer?
Anyway, 6 is meant to be a show of your RP skills, not who can make up the most dramatic background. Deadparents, bandit raids, are severely overused and unoriginal.
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