Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Who am I [Declined-Abbey]

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Hello Admins and users of HollowWorld I am Tyler My user name is CookieMonstaKil2 i am 14 years old i live in the UnitedStates SouthCarolina I love RolePlaying Games i was on youtube looking for one and came across this awesome server i would be a wood elf and live in the village i would be single my job would be a sailor mailman etc any job that pays good . my rpg name would be FlerbyBrine i would not know the land at all i would become a archer and soon i will move out into the woods into a tree.I hope you accept me Thanks For reading FlerbyBrine:cool:


Lord of Altera
Nice to meet you! Now, you will have more chances to be accepted in our world if you first fill in the official application form!
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