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Who to be Dwarf King?

Who Should be Dwarf King?

  • Hrothgar Sharppick (NinjaTangerine)

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • Lars Ironlung (Ikbenlars)

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • The Dwarf who posted this is Epic!

    Votes: 2 6.9%

  • Total voters


Lord of Altera
Recently, It has come to Dwarven attention that there is a split between Dwarves. Some have come to find that there are two Great Dwarves in power at the moment, Hrothgar Sharppick (NinjaTangerine) and Lars (ikbenlars). Now both of these Dwarves are in a Position to stand for High King of Dwarves, but ye can be listening te the streets in Thraall and hear every Dwarf there be argueing about it! As I like hearing peoples thoughts on the matter, I would like to know what the Others citizens of Altera think, Should Lars or Hrothgar be King of Dwarves? You tell us here and argue why and why they shouldnt! (Its Fun listening)
Remember to Vote in the Poll!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
In my unbiased opinion, it should be Lars... He is a fair ruler, and he used to be a High King. Tang (AFAIK) has experience leading armies, but not citizens. So, Lars would be the more experienced ruler... I'm a Halfblood, but I used to live in Karuk-Thol. This whole thing wouldn't affect me at all, so my opinion is unbiased.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
xD I truly have no opinion in the matter, as it doesn't affect me, but it is a cool fortress built within a mountain....


Lord of Altera
So so far theres a larger opinion Towards Lars? With actual reasons and....Erics.
P.S. Personally, I do think Lars should be King of Dwarves as he has more experience leading townsfolk and kingdoms, whereas Hrothgar has experience just leading his men; however he still does a good job of that being rather fair. So both are in for a chance and we all have our opinions


Lord of Altera
I voted tang, because I respect the fact that he doesn't kill all of the pirates on sight, unlike Lars...


Lord of Altera
Hm, Tang is more peaceful with some people and Protects others, except for Wood Elves
Bewpy, You can rule the Dirt =D

Eric V

Legend of Altera
It could work better, and it would calm any radicals who would still claim the other was the true king