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Why I banned? [Resolved]

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Hollows Explorer
Why was I banned? I have done nothing wrong. ( Found Out )

If un-banned I shall "Be a normal player" And I am annoyed this week due to my dog has cancer. So I'm sorry If I seem angry.
And I do love this server or I would not be donating otherwise.
Just I have to do alot in my life and the stress is alot, But I am slowly becoming better and less stressed.


Lord of House Hawklight
You disrupted rp repeatedly, despite being warned several times to stop, you also unfairly discredited Dauntless, who is a valuable player and following this, you pushed Luna into lava without cause and reason, thus you were banned.


Loyal Servant of Altera
He also lied to me several times About castellen ''wanting to kill me'' And about raiding my town.


The Lunarch
I wasn't online when you were banned but I must say, you always seemed a bit - hmm, how do I put this nicely.. - over eager. If you do get unbanned, I suggest you tone down your attitude a bit. You've not really made it easy for yourself, reading around threads, it appears that other people have had pretty sour encounters with you.


Whilst you brief stay on our server you:

- Spammed
- Plagiarised
- Insulted people
- Complained to and about people
- Falsely accused people of theft, griefing and cheating
- Disrupted roleplay events
- Disrespected town mayors by hopping town after town.

Just now I heard about you stirring up trouble during an event so I tped to you. I watched you sneak up to bettemus, after which you were kicked by robin for being a nuisance during the roleplay event. When you logged back in you continued sneaking up to bette who was afk and pushed her into the lava and she died. This was no mistake nor accident, you blatantly did it no purpose. That for me was the last drop.

And I had such high hopes for you, I was going to let you slave away in my mines :( But you have to ask yourself, is this really the kind server for you?
This is my first post on a ban appeal, but I have been reading them for a while so I think I know what not to say. I personally have found darkend annoying, but I think that he is just immature not malicious. I think that this could be a good wake up call for him to start to be more of a "team player" on the server. I am worried that if this gets to be a bashing thread that he won't get that second chance. That said, It is my belief that if he doesn't change his behavior this ban will stand or he will be banned again soon for good.

I started to write a list of things that Darkend needs to change in order to be a better member of the server, but I decided that it wouldn't be taken well, and isn't necessary anyway. Darkend, please don't take my post as hostile. I truly believe that you mean well, and I hope to see you back on the server with an improved attitude. :cool:


Moderating the herps & derps
You are lucky that i wasnt around when u killed her -_- i wouldve brough hell down upon you wich would end in your leaving the server, and me dancing around happy with ur head as my new trophy hanging on the chimney...

This isnt what we expect "roleplaying people" to be like...its a shame indeed cause i heard lars talk good about you.


This is my first post on a ban appeal, but I have been reading them for a while so I think I know what not to say. I personally have found darkend annoying, but I think that he is just immature not malicious. I think that this could be a good wake up call for him to start to be more of a "team player" on the server. I am worried that if this gets to be a bashing thread that he won't get that second chance. That said, It is my belief that if he doesn't change his behavior this ban will stand or he will be banned again soon for good.

I started to write a list of things that Darkend needs to change in order to be a better member of the server, but I decided that it wouldn't be taken well, and isn't necessary anyway. Darkend, please don't take my post as hostile. I truly believe that you mean well, and I hope to see you back on the server with an improved attitude. :cool:
I agree.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Seeing as I was involved in this I shall post what I saw;

Wingnutcros decided to start a small fighting tournament in Warstrom arena today, myself, Darkrend and several others took part including Bettemus and Rosharas. Before the first match had even been announced I offered to store his stuff (outsiders not being able to open chests atm) he attempted to give his items to Wing who could not pick them up due to his inventory being full, when I then picked the things up dark immediately attacked me and claimed that I stole them.

Then the first match came which just happened to be me vs darkrend (wooden swords only), I won that match which led to Darkrend repeatedly claiming in OOC chat that I had used potions, which were against the rules (specifically I was the one that called no potions :p ) I believe Darkrend did not understand that you die quickly when hit with a sword of any type without armour.

Once he calmed down a bit he challenged me again, I agreed but told him to wait until after the tourney was over, which he could not do, he immediately ran into the ring and then stood behind me as I waited for my turn, it was at this point after asking him to leave that he was kicked and then banned.

Please feel free to confirm any of this with either Rosh or Bette.



That's what triggered me to look into what he was doing. But the ban in the case was because of everything he had done before and the fact he had murdered bette.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
And I had such high hopes for you, I was going to let you slave away in my mines :( But you have to ask yourself, is this really the kind server for you?
I know its off topic but I can help out without the forced labour if you need me

Also Darkend, chill out this is supposed to be fun; wrongly accusing other players of cheating and then also lying saying you had proof with a screen shot just spoils it not just for you but for everyone else around you and pushing Bette into the lava was just plain stupid and childish.


Hollows Explorer
Phoenix I know it's meant to be fun. Just a old server I used to play on was a very angry type of server, That's why I moved to this one. ( One of the reasons )

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Well if that's the case then there is no need to bring that anger here, just enjoy it and don't do stupid things like pushing Bette into lava cause you will invoke an unholy wrath of many people


Let's not turn this into a bashing thread though. It's upto darkend whether he wants to (eventually) come back. Darkend if you think you can change your behavior in the game you can come back on the server. However take a good read through mine and Vermilion's post. We have a very nice community on the server with a great variety of personalities, but everyone is respectful and mindful eachother. If you think you can be too, you can try again. But don't mess it up.


Hollows Explorer
Let's not turn this into a bashing thread though. It's upto darkend whether he wants to (eventually) come back. Darkend if you think you can change your behavior in the game you can come back on the server. However take a good read through mine and Vermilion's post. We have a very nice community on the server with a great variety of personalities, but everyone is respectful and mindful eachother. If you think you can be too, you can try again. But don't mess it up.
I am sorry and i want to stay on this server since i think it is the best in the world.
And i am trying to change my behavior. Please give a 2nd chance
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