Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

WillFreezy - Application [Pending - Bellonthewise]*


2. Will
3. 15
4. Male
5. USA
6. I Have Read The Tome

7. I Absolutely Love Roleplay. It allows me to be someone that is fictional, that I cannot be in real life.

8. I am Will. I love roleplay. I am interested in technology. I really enjoy the medieval time period. I love video games. I have a pet snake. I like beavis and butthead. Cheese is my favorite food. I have a 32 inch tv. I play Minecraft ALOT. I like Scion's. Jvc Gumy's are the best headphones, NA. I am in high school, (sophomore). Im white. I eat rice crispies every morning. I like shooting guns. I also fiddle around with knives. My computer is a lenovo (with alienware mod) I have 2 computer certifications, that were offered by my high school. I play on the Xbox 360. I LOVE the zelda series. My monitor is flat-screen. I get good grades, (A's & B's). To be honest, there is nothing left about me, I have said everything about me (except my daily routine) and if you really want to know my daily routine, I will tell you. :) I hope I get into your server, as you can tell, I really want to get in it.

9. I do not have examples of my work. But I assure you, you will be pleased.

10. I feel I can contribute to your server well. And my minecraft skin is Link (Zelda series)

11. I am aware. It won't be a problem.

12. I googled Minecraft roleplaying servers.

13. I did


Zalenfal Guardian
If you could add more to question 8, that'd be great. Specially as you said two things you already said, which may not count xD

Bellon the Wise

Survivor of Five Rivers
If you could add more to question 8, that'd be great. Specially as you said two things you already said, which may not count xD
Agreed. I will give you a "pending" so that you can get that sorted.