Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Wondering Child - Second RP Char.


Legend of Altera
Name: Ben Hauling
Nickname/Alias: Ben
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Height: 4 ft
Weight: 90 Pounds
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: Charming Eyes
Appearance: Tall, Curious, Likes Meeting New People, Scared of Demons
Strengths: Amazing with throwing sticks and shooting arrows
Weaknesses and fears: Demons, Being Eaten, Swimming
Religion and cults: None
Profession: Cooking Foods

Ben was on a family trip going down the Brewing River in the far north, when his father could not see a sharp rock at the bottom of their ship when they smashed it. Bed and his mother went flying off the ship, but had landed on a bit of wood from the side of the ship, his mother had drowned, and his father had been killed from trama to the head, Ben did now know of their death (and still thinks their alive). He floated down the river for a day and one whole night. He washed up on the shore infront of Darkwood, a town that was on the Brewing River. It was there he was bound to start a new life.

He woke, he was cold and covered in water, ice even started to grow on his legs. He managed to get up, looking around he yelled "Papa ! Mama !" he looked around the sky was dark since it was early night, he looked around more and kept calling for them. He was outside of a town, he was clueless, he approached the town gates and read the sign and mumbles to him self "Welcome to.. Darkwood? What is Darkwood?" he said to himself. He saw the gates were open and being closed at that moment, he ran in before the gates could be closed. They closed behind him, his heart was beating fast. He was cold as cold as ice its self, he ran to stone bricked building, and opened the door and went into what looked to be a Kitchen. He smelt the food inside the chests, warm bread in one chest, steaming mushroom soups in another chest, and tender meats inside. But as hungry as he was his Papa taught him to never steal. He sat next to the fireplace and laid down next to it. He was getting warmer by the second, he watched the fire crackle and the embers of the log burn. As he watched, he fell asleep quietly. He work up the next morning, his clothes were dry and was starving at that point. He pushed him self off the carpeted ground and stood, he rubbed his eyes and look around. Nobody was in, but there was food cooking in the furnaces, he knew someone must have been in there and seen him. His heart was beating quick now, he knew that he might be in trouble. He looked to the chest of meats. He was scared to take a bit, but he was starving bad, he took three steaks and a bit of bread from the bread chest. They were still warm from last-night. He sat back down next to the fire and ate, he took out his book that his Papa gave to him about the "Fears of Alteria" since he was scared of the Demons and Monsters, his Papa figured if he read about them, the fears might die down. He opened to the page that he was scared of the most "The IC". His heart pounded now, he slammed the book and tossed it and curled into a ball, that is what scared him more than anything.

Someone opened the door.

-That is where the story begins.